Monday, December 17, 2018

Caitlin Johnstone — Mass Media’s Russia Hysteria Is Openly Acknowledging The Power Of Propaganda

FiveThirtyEight editor-in-chief Nate Silver, a fairly reliable establishment loyalist, tweeted today about the new Russia report saying “If you wrote out a list of the most important factors in the 2016 election, I’m not sure that Russian social media memes would be among the top 100. The scale was quite small and there’s not much evidence that they were effective.”
“For instance, this story makes a big deal about a (post-election) Russian social media disinformation campaign on Bob Mueller based on… 5,000 tweets? That’s **nothing**. Platform-wide, there are something like 500,000,000 tweets posted each day,” Silver continued.…
What fraction of overall social media impressions on the 2016 election were generated by Russian troll farms? 0.1%? I'm not sure what the answer is, but suspect it's low, and it says something that none of the reports that hype up the importance of them address that question.
Then there is the question, "what to do about this?"
They tell you their concern is that Russians are trying to manipulate your mind with propaganda, but really their concern is that they want to be the only ones manipulating your mind with propaganda. They tell you Russian propaganda is so dangerous that it’s necessary to censor the internet and hide all narratives which aren’t in line with the ruling establishment in order to protect democracy, but really all they want is to have full control of the narratives you consume. This is evidenced in the article by the Washington Post which kicked off this latest round of Russia panic, which reports the following:
The report expressed concern about the overall threat social media poses to political discourse within nations and among them, warning that companies once viewed as tools for liberation in the Arab world and elsewhere are now threats to democracy.
“Social media have gone from being the natural infrastructure for sharing collective grievances and coordinating civic engagement to being a computational tool for social control, manipulated by canny political consultants and available to politicians in democracies and dictatorships alike,” the report said.
Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist


Nebris said...

The point was to get an investigation going because The Powers That Be knew Trump had squandered his old man's fortune and then wound up in bed with the Russian mob because no one else would give him money. Being a life long conman, getting elected was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Trump.

Yeah, the Clintons are corrupt af, but they're two pretty sharp lawyers and they've covered their tracks quiet well, but Trump is a hamfisted jackoff and has left a trail of wreckage a blind man could follow...and Bob Mueller is def not blind.

Konrad said...

"Trump left a trail of wreckage a blind man could follow...and Bob Mueller is def not blind."


A genuine worshiper of Mueller. I had heard about them, but I thought they only existed in TV-land. I thought no one in the real world could be so stupid as to believe in Russia-gate with its endless nothing-burgers. Well, you learn something new each day, huh?

Konrad said...

The article below is an amusing (albeit wordy) analysis of the Mueller cult. People burn votive candles to Mueller, and pray to him. Women say he "turns them on."

It's bizarre . . .

Konrad said...

The following items appeared this morning alone...

How Russia exploited racial tensions in America during the 2016 elections

How Russia used disinformation on social media to target voters

Russians sought to recruit assets through social media

Russians targeted African-Americans on social media

Russians mounted sweeping effort to support Trump

Russians used all major social media platforms to aid Trump

Russians posted millions of social media posts aimed at helping Trump, GOP

Russians’ support for Trump’s election is no longer disputable

And the corporate media outlets wonder why their audience share keeps plummeting. I'm no fan of Trump, but neither do I have any interest in this trash.

Nebris said...

Nazi closet queen. ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ˜