Monday, December 17, 2018

Mohamed Elmaazi and Max Blumenthal — Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War

The Grayzone entered the carefully concealed offices of a covert, British government-backed propaganda mill that is at the center of an international scandal the mainstream media refuses to touch.
The entire extremely shady enterprise, as Miller explained, is an elaborate front for the British military-intelligence apparatus. Its covert coordination with friendly politicians and mainstream journalists recalls the Cold War-era intrigue known as Operation Mockingbird.
That scandal involved the unmasking of “more than 400 American journalists who…in the past twenty-five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency,” as Carl Bernstein revealed in a 1977 Rolling Stone report.
The exposing of the Integrity Initiative has just scratched the surface of what appears to be a much more sophisticated, insidious, and extremely online version of Operation Mockingbird. With new internal documents appearing each week through a hacker’s organization called Anonymous Europe, the revelations are yielding one of the most potentially explosive national security scandals in recent times.
But even as members of Britain’s parliament thunder with demands for official accountability, the UK and US mainstream media still strangely refuses to touch the story....
Best reporting yet on this unfolding scandal, at least of which I am aware. This story has legs and the establishment is going to try to bury or kill it. It draws back the curtain.

See also

Zero Hedge
Christopher Steele Admits He Was Hired To Help Hillary Challenge 2016 Election
Tyler Durden

See also

UK psyops bigwig pushed plan to 'mine Sevastopol Bay' during 2014 Crimea crisis – leaked documents


Kaivey said...

I laughed my head off -

'Thank you very much for your enquiry but as RT is a state-sponsored propaganda organization and not a legitimate news channel, we have no comment to make,” Donnelly said in a mailed statement.'

Kaivey said...

And we're told we live in a democracy. And the Americans are told they live in the greatest democracy in the world. And the West wants to bring democracy and freedom to the world.

Kaivey said...

The BBC is a state sponsored propaganda channel.

Kaivey said...

"In the coming days, the Grayzone will take a closer look at the Integrity Initiative’s activity inside the US, and whether it is interfering in American politics as it has done in other NATO member states."

Real journalism, real reporting. I hope they stay safe!