Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ideas For Righteous Revolution - Deeper Into The Fourth Turning, We Go — Adam Taggart

But whatever tactics are ultimately pursued, it’s key to have an ideological platform underlying the revolution. You can’t just be “against” the current order; you need to stand “for” a constructive vision or set of principles for doing things better.
As Buckminster Fuller said:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Your platform sets the north star that your movement will organize behind and orient itself against. Distill your message into a small number of clear, big principles (“Equal treatment under the law”, “Govern within our means”, and “Main Street over Wall Street” are a few good ones to consider) and make sure everybody rallying to your banner knows what they are.
Should you indeed be successful in bringing the existing power brokers to the negotiating table, or replacing them completely in the case of extreme revolution, these principles will determine your resulting programs and policies. Be sure to put as much effort into clarifying these up front as you do into your protest of the current regime.
I would agree with this. The rest of the article sounds good but count me skeptical. But it is worth reading anyway.

Watching the Occupy protests a decade ago and now this one that so far lacks a name, I had then and have again a sense of déjà vu, as though I sat through this movie already back in the day of the Vietnam antiwar protests. In the final analysis after the fact, many if not most of us (those that didn't just give up) realized that the system was not going to change and the only pragmatic solution was to develop a counterculture along with an underground economy.

That did happen and while a lot of it got coopted — street music almost right away — the result was that the movement did eventually transform the culture but hardly sufficiently to resolve the underlying issues. The change was only superficial socio-economically and politically.

The conclusion I came to then was that if the protest leadership was successful in regime change, which, of course, was preposterous, the result would not have been much different since most were totally unqualified to create and manage a better system. John Kerry, for instance, became a cog in the system.

So far, I don’t see that changing. There is no new vision for America that could reasonably get from here to there. There is no new vision and no model based on it.

I have observed over the years that those objecting to the system as good at diagnosing what is wrong with it, but they are quite bad at etiology and treatment, that is, identifying causes and substituting workable solutions.

This is not a trivial problem. It's probably the knottiest problem facing the world today.

Zero Hedge
Ideas For Righteous Revolution - Deeper Into The Fourth Turning, We Go
Adam Taggart via


Peter Pan said...

My vision involves ending consumer culture. If that doesn't rock people's boats, then no point in my promoting the rest of it.

In the meantime, I enjoy watching dumpster fires.

Andrew Anderson said...

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Then note that the MMT School desires to perpetuate the obsolete, inherently unjust Gold Standard banking model while attempting to console the victims with wage-slavery to government.

How is that new? Rather it's an attempt to perpetuate injustice.

Peter Pan said...

A job guarantee is a reform. Hardly an example of revolutionary vision.

Matt Franko said...

“ My vision involves ending consumer culture.”

lol the rioters are looting Louis Vuitton ...

Matt Franko said...

“ You can’t just be “against” the current order; you need to stand “for” a constructive vision or set of principles for doing things better.”

They are not qualified to come up with some sort of system modification...

All they can do is demonstrate dissatisfaction with the current outcomes... this should be enough of a signal for the qualified people to then make corrective adjustments ...

These leftists have been in charge of these communities for decades and the communities are shit.... that’s why they are protesting...

Ryan Harris said...

Chinese cultural revolution stuff. Deny realities, repeat over and over there is no such thing as two sexes and there is no sun and moon. make total bullshit claims and get kids to believe it. Once the kids believe it, tell them to do whatever is necessary to help people to understand their bs. Initially it's social media shaming, "how dare you", then getting them fired, then throwing bricks, burning/attacking physical property, then physical personal attacks on people that represent ideas like Police. After that, in China, and in the BLM protests recently, kids began summarily executing people that denied their reality and torturing people and it became quite ugly. It's not just crazy MMT model advocates or the progressive social justice warriors that can't accept their ideas are one of many and ultimately flawed, now it's the people who've been indoctrinated by Unoversities and believe the Maoist doctrines and also those who are already afraid to speak out against their violence. Dark times. To win, you don't have to stop their beliefs, winning means opening hearts and minds to alternative better realities. Not that difficult to win. And win we are.

Matt Franko said...

No qualified leadership in these communities that are rioting Ryan...

Cities have been run by Democrats for 50 years and now Democrats are complaining their cities are run like shit...


Matt Franko said...

" people who've been indoctrinated by Universities"

yeah and they have $200k student debt put right into the academe's pockets...

no skills as a result of their curriculum in finger painting... cant get useful jobs...

No wonder they are all pissed off....

S400 said...

Ryan should start with explaining themodel that isn’t flawed and works great. I guarantee he will not do that without the same old right wing nut job cherry picking. That’s the reality.

S400 said...

“To win, you don't have to stop their beliefs, winning means opening hearts and minds to alternative better realities. Not that difficult to win. And win we are.“

Dunning Kruger effect in full swing.

Ryan Harris said...

MMT is a pretty good model. Better, simpler than alot of more orthodox econ stuff.

S400 said...

Model of society is what it’s about. So I what working model do you have there?

S400 said...

And by the way while you’re at it you can explain what crazy MMT models that are flawed and how they’re flawed. Should be an easy task.

Matt Franko said...

“Model of society is what it’s about. So I what working model do you have there?”

Doesnt matter what model you have of anything ... once it is built out if you have morons and corrupt people operating it it is going to be f_cked up ...

An idiot can drive a Ferrari and drive it right off a cliff...

S400 said...

“Doesnt matter what model you have“

Maoist model then is ok. Got it.

Andrew Anderson said...

What kinda of people design/support a system that is inherently unjust and thus inherently unstable and that requires geniuses just to make it work badly for a while?


Matt Franko said...

It doesn’t take a “genius!” to know we’re not “out of money!”

Peter Pan said...

Radicals and bottom-feeders love designing systems.

S400 said...

Still waiting to hear about how the working model looks like or where it is. So far a lot of hot air and nothing more.

And while your at it how is this maoistic indoctrination practically done. How many people do they indoctrinate? Must be huge numbers and a big apparatus to indoctrinate generations.

BTW there’s no indoctrination into consumerism. Commercials are just information for us to make good decisions what to spend our money on.....

S400 said...

We know how qualified Matt is... Let him run a society. Mattism.

Matt Franko said...

Yeah everything would work.... nothing but truth all the time... all hypocrite Platonists would be jailed immediately...

You would be so lucky...

Matt Franko said...

“working model” is an oxymoron...

Matt Franko said...

“ what crazy MMT models that are flawed ”

Yo they have all been bearish for like the last 10 years...


They have to be broke...

Matt Franko said...

"BTW there’s no indoctrination into consumerism."

If you are ever going to buy some consumer type thing check with me here... I'll take a look at it for you...

S400 said...

Bearish this or that. Still talking about society. You don’t understand society. You’re no qualified.

Why would I check with you about anything, yo you can’t even check your oil on your car.

S400 said...

“working model” is an oxymoron...“

More hot air. You can’t explain shit because you have no ideas, no fantasy, no imagination, no clue.

Matt Franko said...

Oh for crying out loud Tom sees it right here:

“I have observed over the years that those objecting to the system as good at diagnosing what is wrong with it, but they are quite bad at etiology and treatment, that is, identifying causes and substituting workable solutions.”

You assholes are not qualified to figure anything out...

All you can do is complain....

S400 said...

“You assholes are not qualified to figure anything out...

All you can do is complain....“

That’s what you do here directly and it is what you do every day. Dubbing Ryan’s Dunning Kruger effect and it has not been more obvious than in your case.

You and Ryan have right here been asked to narrate how the system (society) should be run like. But you just wriggle like a worm on a hook.

Ryan do as he always does complains and then disappear and you jump in and complain even more and and on direct questions you answer nonsense or nothing.

You prove again and again that you have no ability to comprehend large systems involving human beings like societies.

You’re not qualified in any sense of the word. You have to learn to live with that.

Peter Pan said...

Matt is not in favour of ending consumer culture.
My proposal is decidedly unpopular.
Oh well, back to the revolution drawing board...

Andrew Anderson said...

Consumer goods are the "mess of pottage" for legally stolen birthrights (family homes, farms, businesses, the commons, etc).

Restore the birthrights and citizens shall have better things to do than engage in mass consumption.

In other words, mass consumption is a symptom of an unjust economic system.

S400 said...

Start with the removing commercials. It’s indoctrination on a huge scale and we don’t want indoctrination do we. Those reliant on incomes from it can go into a job guarantee.

S400 said...

“ Yeah everything would work.... nothing but truth all the time... all hypocrite Platonists would be jailed immediately... ”

Where have I heard that solution before.....
And did it work...

Ryan Harris said...

I made a comment on a blog post. I'm not trying to redesign world governance or express mastery of arcane liberal arts. I've been reading about the cultural revolution. If you simply view US protests as a power struggle between the authoritarian left/progressive MMT types and traditional mainstream dems, there are alot of parallels with the cultural revolution tactics. Different time, different situation obv. It appears to me far left dems are trying to work within the existing structure of 2 party politics, Obama sowed seeds of change. Curriculum in schools, brainwashed kids in culutrual relativism, climate change, the BLM stuff fears of police that aren't based on statistics but fear. It's not about Republicans or conservatives. The turmoil we see is about taking control within the party.

No matter what Matt or I comment, you typically disagree, I see that. I'm not here to change your mind or argue endlessly. I read your ideas, you expressed your view clearly, I understand your points. I know before I begin that you'll disagree but I'm not gonna beat that dead horse. There isn't one right opinion, we don't need to agree. 90% of the stuff Tom and Kevin post I think is total wack job crazy but I can see where they are going with their thinking. That's enough.

S400 said...

I see that you claim things without anything behind it. You repeat talking points Invented on the lunatic right wing side. I’ve heard for decades without any proof. One of those are the indoctrination here and there. If you are so concerned about indoctrination why aren’t bothered with the largest of them all which goes on 24/7, that is commercials?

I too understand that you won’t change. Facts doesn’t matter if those show the wrong things in your world. If your arguments don’t hold water you just ignore the questions you can’t answer.

You are as brainwashed as those you accuse of being brainwashed that is as clear as it gets when you harp things like culture revolution which is right wing nut case shit that been around for decades but never been proven.