Saturday, June 6, 2020

Who What Why — Editors’ Picks: Special Uprising Edition

The week in review.

Who What Why
Editors’ Picks: Special Uprising Edition


S400 said...

White House doing propaganda? Can’t be true.
Must just be an honest mistake or the White House is victim of Chinese cultural revolution stuff.Iit's the people who've been indoctrinated by Unoversities and believe the Maoist doctrines who’s behind it all. Dark times. To win, you don't have to stop their beliefs, winning means opening hearts and minds to alternative better realities.
That’s what the White House did. That’s what the Colombian right wing coup did. That’s what’s Bolsonaro in Brazil did. That’s what Venezuela’s popular president the US put in place (what’s his name again) did.

Alternative realities is what is needed. White House gave us that. We are winning, double trigger.

S400 said...

Not to forget what today’s Bolivian government do and did. Alternative reality with open hearts and minds.

BTW the methods the right wing governments used to get into power and still use are violent protests to create chaos and blame the other side for the chaos.
There are alot of parallels with the cultural revolution tactics..... or the CIA play book.

One is good the other bad.