Wednesday, July 15, 2020

US Media Failed to Factcheck Sweden’s Herd Immunity Hoax, by NEIL DEMAUSE

The conspiracists are saying that the government is exaggerating the Covid-19 epidemic to take away our freedoms, to tax us more, and to push Bill Gates's vaccines on us, and that the "controlled media" is in on the game, but is the opposite really the truth?

If one major city can lay claim to having gotten the closest to herd immunity, it’s New York City, with nearly one in five residents testing positive for antibodies by the end of April, and more than two in five in some low-income neighborhoods with high numbers of service workers and families living in close quarters. But that still isn’t anywhere near even the minimum herd immunity level of 70%; at a 0.56% fatality rate, New York City would need to suffer an additional 23,500 deaths—more than twice as many as it has already endured—before the virus would begin to burn out on its own. (If the New York City fatality rate is more like 1.2%—as the highest estimates of Covid-19 deaths in the city, plus a 20% infection rate, would imply—then at minimum, herd immunity would require 50,000 new deaths.)


US Media Failed to Factcheck Sweden’s Herd Immunity Hoax, by NEIL DEMAUSE

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

They should fact check NY numbers. How can this be the same virus?

Granted, a hatred of New Yorkers may be common even in the virus world...