- First female VP
- First Black VP (Jamaican immigrant father)
- First (East) Indian VP (Indian immigrant mother)
- First Black college grad VP (Howard University)
The times they are a-changin'. Demographics on one hand, attitudes on the other. Barack Obama broke through one glass ceiling, and now Kamala (means "lotus") Harris has broken through another.
‘She is poised to not just put really big cracks in that glass ceiling in this election, but she’s poised to break the glass ceiling in a future election’
Regardless of how one feels about the politics, these are giant steps forward for the US that will affect the rest of the world as well. It's things like this that make America great by expanding the meaning of freedom and opportunity.
I couldn't agree more Peter. How long will it be before she deposes Biden?
Ask the Clintons...
First second husband of the US. (Also, first second husband happens to be Jewish)
First vice president who attended a Canadian high school (Westmount high school in Montreal).
"What a load of crap. No one voted for this carpetbagger."
Until 1864, the president and vp were elected on separate ballots. Starting with Lincoln and Johnson, the president and vp were elected as a team. So, yeah, she was elected.
You're a Canadian, PP, so you're forgiven for not knowing this. Now if you were an American, I'd be calling you all sorts of funny names now ;)
Yeah, as if Kamala won the Dem primaries, or that the electoral college doesn't exist.
Why are you so excited by this travesty?
Did TDS rot your brains?
"Did TDS rot your brains?"
No, my brain works just fine. I just finished reviewing polynomials (specifically addition/subtraction, multication/division of rational expression), and also soon I'll be starting a quick review of stoichiometry (that's just a fancy way of saying "measure of the elements": stoicheion is a Greek word meaning element and metron another Greek wordmeaning measure. Of course, not sure about my brain in 40 years or so, because dementia you know :(
PS: So when a Greek cop says to you, "Ta stoicheia", he means your data (your identification) ;)
Over 74 million people voted for Harris. You speak of tds Peter? I think you are projecting(something your dear leader does all the time) My question is, how do trump supporters breath with there heads so far up trumps ass? You are a troll, just like cheetolini.
No one voted FOR that garbage. They voted AGAINST the clown in the White House.
Tom Hickey is a troll for linking to this celebratory BS. Good on him, because you've fallen for it.
“ Did TDS rot your brains?”
Lol You know it did... these leftist Trump deranged morons are the lowest of human scum...
Pete these leftist trump deranged morons have let the real estate mogul live RENT FREE in their heads for almost 4 years...
"Pete these leftist trump deranged morons have let the real estate mogul live RENT FREE in their heads for almost 4 years..."
Ahem, didn't you read Pete's comment?
PETE: No one voted FOR that garbage. They voted AGAINST the clown in the White House. [Indeed!]
He said "clown," Matt. C-L-O-W-N, not "real estate mogul," for the love of grifting! :(
They let a clown/real estate mogul/fascist(!) live RENT FREE in their heads for almost 4 years...
Hey, I'm no Trump supporter. I used Biden to take a few potshots at Matt, but never would I support that dinosaur as POTUS.
Deranged morons indeed. They have learned nothing from 2016.
Russiagate, identity politics, the "resistance" to Trump, it was all theater.
Now they're celebrating, but for what? Brunch?
"Hey, I'm no Trump supporter."
Hey, no one said you were. I for one never got the impression here that you were pro clown.
"Deranged morons indeed. They have learned nothing from 2016."
You, who is inferring that you are not a deranged moron -- did you for any second believe that a complete imbecile like Trump, who has spent his entire, pathetic life screwing others for his own personal benefit, was ever up to the task of being the president of the United States? He was nothing but a total screw job. A surprise? Hell, no. What the heck did one expect from a reality tv clown host.
Trump talked about immigration, trade and infrastructure during his 2016 campaign. He didn't talk down to the voters. They believed him.
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