Thursday, November 12, 2020

Fighting the twin evils of racism and the new Cold War against China

 As a socialist country with an essentially planned economy, China's success is dismantling free-market dogma and residual white supremacy — we must be ready to derail any attempts at division and war sown by a declining capitalist West, writes CARLOS MARTINEZ

We were told there was no alternative. The neoclassical economists said their system would bring the greatest growth and benefits. Privatise all public industries and the profit motive of the entrepreneurs would bring massive efficiencies and new growth. In the new privatised industries lots of workers got made redundant and new jobs didn't pop up to replace them. CEO bonuses grew big but with so many unemployed businesses lost customers. Then wages were held back and pensions became inferior, and for many they disappeared completey. This all takes money out of the economy. There has to be a balance, but the neoliberals went for austerity. 

CAPITALISM is in turmoil. Ongoing economic stagnation, alongside the startling failure of the major Western countries to contain the coronavirus pandemic, is producing a crisis of legitimacy and a corresponding sense of panic among the ruling class.

The leading capitalist power, the US, is the worst affected. Although it remains for the time being the world’s largest economy in GDP terms, its quality of life indicators are deteriorating. The poverty rate has reached 15 per cent, the highest it’s been for 50 years. Infrastructure is crumbling.

As a socialist country with a Communist Party government and an essentially planned economy, China is dismantling the established wisdom that Western free market liberalism is the perfect way to organise society.

The Morning Star


Peter Pan said...

As a socialist country with an essentially planned economy...

More dogma.

Andrew Anderson said...

Western free market liberalism kv

There's nothing "free market" about government privileges for usurers.

Greg said...

“As a socialist country with an essentially planned economy

More dogma “

Right PP! As if there is no “planning” going on in our economy.
What matters is who is planning, using which information to what ends

Greg said...

“As a socialist country with an essentially planned economy

More dogma “

Right PP! As if there is no “planning” going on in our economy.
What matters is who is planning, using which information to what ends

Greg said...

“As a socialist country with an essentially planned economy

More dogma “

Right PP! As if there is no “planning” going on in our economy.
What matters is who is planning, using which information to what ends

Peter Pan said...

Planning isn't synonymous with socialism. Nor is collectivism, or public ownership. You can find these things in any mixed economy. That is because an economy is a spectrum. It is not black or white, left or right.

lastgreek said...

Have all the ballots been counted yet?

Peter Pan said...

Have all the fat ladies begun to sing yet?

Greg said...

How the hell did my response post up three times!? I was using my phone at work which I usually don’t do..... crazy

Unfortunately the term “planning” has taken on negative connotations regarding national economic policies. I mostly agree with you but unfortunately planning has become synonymous with socialism in many peoples minds, in an entirely negative way.

Peter Pan said...

Greg, your avatar appears to be broken. Maybe it's just me; something broken on my end.

The term socialism is a victim of the dumbing down of language.

Public services are SOCIALIST.
Misinformation/propaganda/satire/editorials/analysis is FAKE NEWS.
Trump is a FASCIST.
Republicans are plotting a COUP.
America is in a low grade CIVIL WAR.
War is PEACE.
Freedom is SLAVERY.
Ignorance is STRENGTH.

Matt Franko said...

“Planning” is non-Darwinian.... things are supposed to happen by random chance .... “free market!”...

Matt Franko said...

“During his historic voyage through the south seas on the Beagle, Charles Darwin landed one November morning in 1835 on the shore of Western Tahiti.....”

And the rest is history.....

Matt Franko said...

Thatcher once said, “I began with Charles Darwin and his work on the theory of evolution and the Origin of Specials. Darwin's voyages were among the high-points of scientific discovery...the beliefs of Darwin's era should help to see us through--the belief in reason and the scientific method.”

You guys should be big thatcher fanboys....

S400 said...

”You guys should be big thatcher fanboys....”

Nope. You see people understand what she was, said and did. They don’t do petty stuff like cutting, pasting and ascribe it to others like you do.

Greg said...

Have you noticed avatars on other comments of mine? I’ve never created one. Maybe some of my devices create one for me

You left off

Rule by corporate interests is DEMOCRACY

However ...... Trump is clearly a fascist

Matt, you really do need to learn the difference between random and not predictable or from intent. A system can have a things that are more likely to happen because of starting conditions, the starting conditions can be mostly understood without having every detail worked out thus leaving room for uncertainty. The opposite of random is not fully determined or determinable

We can find a “reason” for things after the fact with good data analysis and clear thinking , that doesn’t mean some “reasoner” made it that way. When we find a reason for something we aren’t reading someone’s mind or intent

Peter Pan said...

The default avatars are broken from my vantage point. My avatars, and Tom's avatar continue to display normally. It's broken on Opera and Firefox.

Tom Hickey said...

My avatars, and Tom's avatar continue to display normally. It's broken on Opera and Firefox.

I am using Opera. (I use different browsers for different types of task). The avatars are mostly broken, including by own.

Peter Pan said...

Well, we may be looking at an issue introduced by Blogger, or Windows.