Friday, November 6, 2020

India’s move toward a de facto unitary state — Prabhat Patnaik

Having persuaded states to give up their constitutionally mandated taxing powers by substituting their main revenue source, the sales tax, with a goods and services tax (GST)—administered by a GST Council dominated by the center—with the promise that their revenue shortfall will be made good, the center has now coolly reneged on that promise. States at present have no taxing powers (except over just three commodities); and the promised compensation from the center has not materialized.

But it is not just control over resources that has been centralized….
Under PM Narendra Modi India is consolidating power at the top. More neo-fascism?


A downside of tradition.

Sputnik International
'Unique' Marriage System [based on caste] Makes Indians Highly Vulnerable to Deadly Lung Disorder, Study Reveals

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