Friday, November 6, 2020

Promarket — Record ‘Dark Money’ Donations Help GOP Retake House Seats

"Campaign finance." The 2020 election broke all records in a multi-billion extravaganza. How is this not bribery?

Record ‘Dark Money’ Donations Help GOP Retake House Seats

See also

"There are no progressive billionaires." 

Eric Zuesse lists the billionaires backing liberals.

Strategic Culture Foundation
Progressivism Versus Liberalism
Eric Zuesse


Moon of Alabama
Progressive Initiatives Win While Dems Continue To Lose


lastgreek said...

You sure it wasn't the same nasty democrats, Tom, who conspired to steal the election from Trump? ;)

But seriously, Tom, democrats better not forget the hispanic voters ;)

PS: You know, in honor of Georgia going blue, there should be a paint color called "Georgia Blue," made by either Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore -- you know, some big paint manufacturer. And it should be the most beautiful shade of blue :)

lastgreek said...

One more thing, Tom. Georgia's (again) two Senate seats are heading for a runoff in two months. Good chance the Dems will knock off that horrible human being Perdue (not so sure about the other seat). If so, Dems 49, Reps 51. Yeah, close but no cigar --but always a decent chance of gaining one repub. Senate vote ;)

Big cheer and applause for Stacey Abrams' hard work in Georgia!

Butch Busselle said...

lastgreek the most beautiful blue is Volvo's Rebel Blue

lastgreek said...

It's all about the color, Butch.

And another thing since we're talking American politics (hell, beats Greek politics). When we will you Americans finally get around to putting Aaron Burr on your currency notes?

Would be also nice if you named your military's official pistol after him instead of some meaningless name it has now (Beretta M9. Who the hell was he?)

Damn good shot that Burr ;)

Peter Pan said...

So Hell finally installed air conditioning?

Matt Franko said...

The M9 was the last one the current one is the Sig ...

Greg said...

Nick Hanaur is a progressive billionaire

Peter Pan said...

Progressive enough to become a trillionaire?