Friday, May 10, 2013

Peter McAllister — Mosler lays down tablets on the economy, stupid

One economist is gaining traction with his radical prescription for world woes.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Mosler lays down tablets on the economy, stupid
Peter McAllister
(h/t Dan Lynch at FB)


paul meli said...

Great article but what a world we've created where reality is seen as extremism.

Tom Hickey said...

where reality is seen as extremism

And where extremism is reality.

Darren said...

I'm just in shock that Dan found it before me.

It is not a very well researched article - he asks what does CofFEE make of it? We know that answer.

One of my twitter responses to this article says it implies Warren is alone and then quickly announces Mike and Stephanie as leading the charge as well.

Tom Hickey said...

Peter McAllister is an archaeologist, palaeoanthropologist and science writer specialising in evolutionary anthropology.

Detroit Dan said...

Good stuff. Thanks...