Thursday, July 16, 2020

Civil war is taking place inside the White House pitting Mnuchin against Kudlow

"Team of rivals!"..... hahahahhhaha!!!!

Kudlow, a long-time advocate of lowering taxes as a way to promote growth, is pushing for a payroll tax cut as a key part of the plan to spur economic growth...... But Mnuchin, a former Wall Street executive, is said to believe a payroll tax cut will not be approved by Congress and will face stiff opposition from Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, these people say. He is pushing for another round of individual stimulus checks and an extension of unemployment benefits


Peter Pan said...

Trump should have them wrestle in oil and broadcast the spectacle on pay-per-view.

Mike Norman said...

Kudlow is pushing for a payroll tax cut? Really? I seriously doubt it. The only tax cut Kudlow favors is corporate tax cuts.

Matt Franko said...

He probably favors a payroll tax cut for the employer half....

Matt Franko said...

“ Trump should have them wrestle in oil and broadcast the spectacle on pay-per-view.”

Might as well!

Platonism.... doesn’t work...