Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Left Case against Open Borders — Peter Turchin

About power.

Marx got this, so it was ruled out of polite conversation and conventional economics, which acknowledges power ("monopoly power") but seldom investigates it or calls it out. 

Adam Smith got it, too. That  is seldom mentioned though. Instead Adam Smith is misrepresented as basing his analysis on "the invisible hand" of the market, which Smith scholar Gavin Kennedy shows he did not do. It's a fiction that seems to originate with Paul Samuelson.

Cliodynamica — A Blog about the Evolution of Civilizations
The Left Case against Open Borders
Peter Turchin | professor at the University of Connecticut in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Mathematics, and the vice president of the Evolution Institute.


Peter Pan said...

Opposition to migration is an illusion perpetrated by the American political class. Even Trump has failed to enact policies that would end the hiring of undocumented workers.

The left supports migration on humanitarian grounds.
The far left supports it for humanitarian and revolutionary reasons.

Andrew Anderson said...

The Bible is apparently for open immigration too except only Hebrews could own the land, which was roughly equally owned by all families.

So wage labor was normally for foreigners - unlike the US where wage labor is the norm for citizens who must then compete with foreigners for jobs.

Matt Franko said...

AA, the Israelites kicked out the people who were already there and took the land...

Didn’t work out....