Fox Business host Stuart Varney on Tuesday accused the AARP of signing hungry seniors up for food stamps as part of a “buy-the-vote campaign” to benefit President Barack Obama. On Saturday, the Tribune-Democrat reported that the Pennsylvania chapter…
Varney: "taxpayer money"
Therein lies the problem...
Feeding seniors to the predators, however, is buying the predator vote.
Richard Nixon would not be allowed in what has now become a wacko right ideology/political party. And Fox Business, as an adjunct to these present day imbeciles, is an affront to right reason and human decency.
And Kilmeade is wrong here:
"“What about pride?” Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade wondered. “What about pride in not getting food stamps because they don’t need them?”
Any way we can increase the leading $NFA flows from govt to non-govt is going to help the economy... these people could use the balances they otherwise would have spent on food for other provision so that will in turn help the economy...
(btw I cant understand how people couldnt "need" these balances and qualify for them at the same time...)
So imo what AARP is doing here is helpful in fomenting an increase in $NFA flows in general... which we ALL need right now imo...
This kind of mindset reminds of this.
'The new [Whig] government [elected in the same year as the total failure of the potato crop due to blight] was...doctrinally committed to laissez-faire, free trade and market forces, even to the extent of refusing to introduce such elementary measures as a prohibition of food exports from Ireland. Russell ended the food relief measures and subsidies to Irish public works and left the provision of food to the free market. ... In effect a million people died because government relief measures were too little and too late. And they were too little and too late because of a fatal interaction between the government's economic ideology and Ireland's colonial situaion.
'The harsh truth is that the Irish poor were sacrificed on the altar of free trade and economic liberalism. At a protest meeting in Cork in the terrible winter of 1846-7 Horace Townsend suggested that the coroner's verdict on the famine dead should be that they had "died from an overdose of political economy administered by quacks." ... The ideological universe these [UK Whig] men inhabited, so the argument goes, simply did not provide solutions to the catastrophe that confronted them. This led to the remarkable situation where a delegation from Ireland visited Russell to plead for more relief for the starving poor only to have the prime minister read to them from Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. The relief they were asking for would, according to Russell's political economy, only make the situation worse and result in more deaths.'
-- The Blood Never Dried, A People's History of the British Empire, John Newsinger
These people are verging on being insane, it's like you're dealing with a spoilt brat who threatens to have a tantrum because someone else is getting something, and they're jealous. Can you imagine being envious of the poor getting food? it's obscene. The amount of food that supermarkets have to dispose of every week is a disgrace, it's no good the stores being packed to the rafters with food if your pockets are empty.
I suppose they could mint their own coin and solve all the problems with M&M's and MMT.
Didn't work for the Japanese.
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