Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday argued that President Barack Obama and Democrats, not Republicans, were the ones trying to shut down the federal government because he insisted on funding a health care reform law that was passed in 2010. Last week, Sen…
Cruz is blind to authority... an out of control libertarian, a barbarian chaos and anarchy advocating usurper...
Put Cruz into a position of authority and see how blind to it he is.
Are you asserting that if he obtained a higher position in the govt he would do a 180 and start to assert that "we are NOT out of money!" and "we are NOT borrowing from the Chinese!"?
I doubt that.. rsp,
Matt, what I have found with many libertarians of left and right is that when they get into power, it's my way of the highway, because they believe in self-authority.
But let's keep shitting all over Obama for not making the minimum wage $20/hr and enacting a new WPA.
Cruz is a right wing conservative. He's 100% authoritarian. He's also a very dangerous authoritarian type, because, contrary to what some might think, he's very bright. His blind spot is that he's an rabid ideologue. The unholy combination is positively frightening.
If he thinks "we're out of money" he is NOT any % authoritarian...
Perhaps tyrannical, brutish, stupid, heavy handed, I dont know perhaps there is a better term, but I cant see a person like that ultimately being accurately described as 'authoritarian'...
The Greek word most often translated as 'authority' is 'exousia' which is translated literally 'out-being'...
so whatever this concept is, it is not an internally based concept like you probably observe accurately...
So there cannot be "self-authority" which implies 'authority from within' like you observe these people trying to impose... and it all goes bad...
Maybe what you are observing here should be termed not 'exousia' but rather 'endousia' ... like what these people are imposing is not 'out-being' but rather 'in-being'...
I dont blame libertarians for rebelling against morons trying to impose 'self-authority' I guess... but at some point libertarians have to also get an accurate view of appropriate authority too....
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