Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Balanced Fiat?" Translation: People With The MOST Financial Savings Want YOUR Financial Savings "Payed Back" First.

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

It finally occurred to me what the heck "balanced fiat" actually means.

It's just another divide & conquer technique.

As many have noted, for centuries, there is no such thing as aggregate debt to self.
Individuals can always pay personal debt to self, with more PERSONAL INITIATIVE.

Similarly, aggregates can always pay aggregate debt to aggregate self, with more PUBLIC INITIATIVE, which we call fiat.
In fact, you can say that we denominate Public Initiative with fiat currency.

In purely accounting terms, we have fiat transaction units which we as a nation create and distribute for use in any and all transaction chains, no matter how innovative. In purely accounting jargon that currency creation requires a matching, negative number on some double-entry accounting ledger - which accountants call a deficit. Accountants also call the growing currency supply needed by a growing population - you guessed it - yearly accounting "deficits," and the accumulating public "deficits" a "public debt."

Oooh! Tempests in teapots, you say. Any fool can grasp, when asked, that private financial savings (currency in circulation) has to be equal to public currency creation, minus any currency clawed-back and destroyed via various forms of taxes or penalties by the currency issuer.

And yes, it's pure semantics to insist that nominal accounting terms are something real, and are real yearly deficits and are real, accumulating debt to pay back. They're not.

The only way to pay the nominal (imaginary, purely semantic) national debt is to liquidate all private financial savings.

So does anyone in their right mind actually want that? Of course not. Yet some people want you to THINK that they do. Why? Simply so that YOU will agree to start liquidating YOUR personal financial savings.

The trick in any game strategy is to get people to START doing something you want them to do, since it will impact them, while never letting it progress to the point of impacting you as well, or at least not as much as it will impact them.

Ever notice that frauds continuously campaign to pay back our nominal debt to ourselves, by "balancing fiat," but we've never quite done it? (Except in 1929 & 1999, triggering serious depressions, for obvious reasons.)

Halting growth of currency supply for even one year - zero public "deficit" - is disastrous. No country I've heard of has ever liquidated all the currency they ever created. Countries disappear from history before they ever get that far. Even banksters don't want to kill our entire nation, since they'd go down with it. They just want to see everyone else suffer, so they can take advantage of the average person. It's truly sick behavior, and downright traitorous.

It's amazing that this many people have been bamboozled for this long!

Ask who campaigns the most for "balanced fiat?" Rich people, that's who. And, of course, their mesmerized lackeys, or hired liars.

Why? So that they - just coincidentally, of course - have added buying power for the transaction units they retain, no matter how briefly, and can therefore trigger forced liquidation of real property at deflated prices.

That's the classic strategy of controlling the money supply, and using that control to cause periodic shortages of "currency."

Why would a rich person want to deplete ALL private savings? They don't, obviously. They only want everyone else to START depleting their private savings. Rich people actually have no intention of ever letting it go so far as depleting their own financial savings. They just want to bankrupt you and your fellow serfs, so that you'll have to give them everything you've got, for pennies on the dollar, just to buy a loaf of bread for your starving baby.

If the root cause of the fear of running out of public fiat is that simple ... how do they get away with it? Divide and conquer is obviously one class of methods. Yet there are obviously 1001 ways or more, and an active war is ongoing, between sociopathic throwbacks, and our emerging aggregate.

However it's executed though, the root desire to hoard fiat while depleting the savings of others is so simple that, like the jitterbug, it plumb abates some sociopaths.

The manufactured Fear of Fiat Deficit takes advantage of an indirect form of personal hoarding behavior, a remnant personal behavior retained from archaic times. That old form of hoarding reflex is slowly being replaced by aggregate selection pressure, resulting in an ongoing transition in hoarding patterns, where we re-purpose personal hoarding instincts, from hoarding of commodity goods (e.g., snails), to hoarding of coordination skills (e.g., army ants).

The result is what we call the evolution of Social Species.

And, of course, the pinnacle of that evolutionary spectrum of social species is Homo Sapiens, the most cooperative species known. Excepting, of course, throwbacks like the Koch Brothers, who will champion any cause whatsoever, if it can later be perverted to their selective advantage. Such people suffer from a type of tic, a Cultural Tourettes Syndrome.

In the case of Koch Industries, they plead guilty to environmental crime in Texas, and then started campaigning for milder sentencing laws. When Koch Industries was caught wilfully poisoning an area with benzene, they
"... admitted that its employees engaged in an orchestrated scheme to conceal the benzene violations from state regulators and the Corpus Christi community.”

“Their advocacy for less draconian drug laws could prove to be a stalking horse for their long-standing efforts to protect corporate criminals and roll back environmental, health and safety laws.”

In a plea agreement, the charges were dropped against the four employees.
In Charles Koch’s opinion, the federal case was unjust.
“We had four innocent employees indicted,” he said. “Okay, the company can handle it. Okay, we pay a fine and so on. What’s so upsetting is seeing what it did to them personally and their families.”
You might well ask why nothing was done to Charles Koch & his family. If the guilty employees were "innocent," then he's implying that they were just doing what they were encouraged, or told, to do?

Notice how carefully & casually Koch deflects guilt away from himself and the Control Frauds running upper management, who obviously set the expectations for the behavior of those four employees. Maybe Koch personally ordered the actions taken? That wasn't even examined in the lawsuit.

In this case the same person, Charles Koch has been for excessive prison terms for others, but against them if it might ever get to his own Control Frauds, or himself.

That kind of mind is exactly the kind of mind that can campaign for "balanced fiat."

Calls for "balanced fiat" come from unbalanced minds.

Rational minds won't indict you for realizing that.

We could be doing far more with the capabilities we have. Why waste so much time fooling one another? Our only real goal is operational agility.


Random said...

Net financial assets. Bank lending creates savings and is another sort of money creation.

Roger Erickson said...

bank loans create equal/opposite debits/credits, and "create" only the interest payments to the Market Maker bank (which may or may not permanently underwrite the loan, and instead bundle and/or sell it)

And, not that the Market Maker (underwriter) may be forced to write off both the interest and debits owed it, if economic conditions worsen. Then it becomes a question of perverting policy to protect citizens, or the banks that serve them. :(

Meanwhile, do YOU have enough $ savings, to outlast a Balanced Fiat epoch? Could you outlast a Billionaire, in that scenario?

In the end, we're all outlasted, by those who can outlast us. Unless WE coordinate, to outlast them.

Random said...

I don't, I'm not disagreeing.

Schofield said...

Here's the proposed Brit MMT way of "balancing fiat" the People's QE (previously Green QE)way. Read in order first to last:- (Note the European Union bond restraint!)

It could become government policy if the MP Jeremy Corbyn becomes the new Labour Party leader and wins the 2020 general election or before.

Stephanie Kelton and Bill Mitchell are being consulted by Richard Murphy a self-acknowledged MMT believer.

Roger Erickson said...

At least someone's openly trying, Schofield. Thanks for the links. I'll look at them tomorrow.