Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Russia And China Channeling Hamilton — Mark Wauk

Read the remarks of Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, and Editor at Russia in Global Affairs, about how Russia and China are now following the Hamiltonian plan of the American System or National System, later developed by economist Friedrick List. In other words, these countries are not doing what the nascent US did when breaking away from the British Empire, which was not only political and military but also economic and financial. And the ROW is watching.

Diessen also sees Central Bank of Russia head Elvira Nabiullina as a key player in implementing this plan rather than as the neoliberal she is usually viewed as.

Meaning in History
Russia And China Channeling Hamilton
Mark Wauk, retired FBI agent

See also
 Wallerstein’s first breakthrough came during his experiences in Africa during the process of “decolonization,” where he became aware that young militants in Africa possessed a conceptual framework that was entirely at odds with that of Europeans resident in Africa, a framework in which the African militants defined their reality as a “colonial situation.”  This awareness led Wallerstein to appreciate that a correct understanding must be based in a grasping of the colonial relation between Europe and Africa, which required moving beyond the assumption that society is the correct unit of analysis and moving toward the establishment of the world-system as the correct unit of analysis.…
Knowledge, ideology, and real socialism in our times
Charles McKelvey, Professor Emeritus at Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina, author of The Perspectives of The Colonized (Palgrave)

See also
De Gaulle said: “France’s objective is to build Europe [...] The whole point is that Europe should want to exist as its own self, independently from the U.S.[NATO is] quite simply putting Europe’s defense, nuclear and conventional, in the hands of the U.S. Europe is useless if it doesn’t control its own defense and therefore its own policy. NATO is a subterfuge. It’s a machine to disguise the stranglehold of America over Europe. Thanks to NATO, Europe is placed under the dependence of the U.S. without seeming to be.”
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand


Marian Ruccius said...

Helpful articles, although I think that, all the breathy derision of China's economic model aside, that China faces very real environmental constraints. BRICs is part but not all of the solution.

mike norman said...

Nabulina is a diehard monetarist and that negates or diminishes any other policy measures she may be prone to employ.

mike norman said...

"To the question “Do you really believe we can leave NATO without getting shot down by the Americans?” he replies: “Of course we can! That’s what we’re doing bit by bit."

Oh really?

If De Gaule were alive today, he'd be shocked at how the Europeans (French included) have become so submissive to the U.S.

Tom Hickey said...

@ mike norman

"Nabulina is a diehard monetarist and that negates or diminishes any other policy measures she may be prone to employ."

Yes, and that applied to just about everyone but the MMT crowd and not even to them evenly. As Bill is fond of saying, "neoliberal tendencies," that is, having cultural presumptions that act as hidden assumptions, e.g., biasing one to monetarism.

Monetarism is still the Zeitgeist, so to speak. The only good thing about it is you know in advance what the morons are going to be doing.

"If De Gaule were alive today, he'd be shocked at how the Europeans (French included) have become so submissive to the U.S."

Right. Unfortunately, there are few Gaullists left in the French power structure, which is neoliberal through and through, with Macron being its frontman.

Sarkozy was the last Gaullist (sort of) president and he is still a player on the stage although he has been mostly sidelined.

Wikipedia/Gaullist Party