Friday, August 16, 2019

The Last Vagabond - As Hong Kong Protests Diminish After Extradition Law Retracted, US-Funded Protests Rage On

The Last Vagabond (I don't know his name) gives his take on the Hong Kong riots. He says that most of the rioters have stopped protesting now as the Chinese government has retracted it demands to extradite criminals to the mainland, but a few thousand rioters are carrying on with their violent demonstration hoping the Chinese government will bring in the army, which they then hope will get the US involved.

There is a clip showing the violent protestors beating up a policeman who eventually pulls a gun to save his life, but he doesn't fire it. The Last Vagabond says how in the US a police officer in a similar situation would have used his gun. US policemen shoot dead almost a 1,000 people every year.

The Independent 

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