Monday, August 12, 2019

Why President Trump has the Fed on the ropes — Karen Shaw Petrou

The Federal Reserve's monetary policies have exacerbated the wealth gap, making the central bank a vulnerable target for Trump. He’s taking full advantage...
Fed-bashing has become politically popular. Kind of like criticizing the IRS.

Bank Think — The American Banker
Why President Trump has the Fed on the ropes
Karen Shaw Petrou


Bob Roddis said...

I love always being right. I've been saying for years that the purpose of central banking is to transfer wealth to the wealthy and to fund wars, which BTW, also transfers wealth to the wealthy. Good thing we don't have constitutional money of gold and silver, right?

Matt Franko said...

Bob just don’t eat that silver!!!! You’ll turn blue like a Smurf!!

Bob Roddis said...

Of course, we all know how nutritious and delicious fiat money is once it has been entered into computer storage. Especially with guacamole and salsa.

Andrew Anderson said...

Good thing we don't have constitutional money of gold and silver, right? Bob Roddis

Here is all the Constitution says about the money power of the government. From Article I, Section 8, there is “Congress shall have Power…to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin.” And from Section 10, “no state…shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” from [bold added]

Moreover, needlessly expensive fiat is, on its face, a looting scheme similar to $700 government hammers and gold toilets for government officials.