Friday, November 8, 2019

Maj. Danny Sjursen - Democrats Are Becoming the Party of Permanent War

I didn't know they had a leftie over at, I rather like him, a military man too. I agree with a lot of what he saying here.

Now the Democrats are just as much the war party as the Republicans.

However, today, these attacks on me—and many others—as neo-Trumpsters or “Russian assets,” has a flavor all its own. A Republican, at least in name, is president. Liberals hate him with even more ferocity than Baby Bush. Reflexive anti-Trumpism—though often warranted—is now so instinctual and unthinking that it borders on anti-intellectual hysteria. So yes, MSNBC liberals certainly hate Trump … but not his wars. This is curious, unique and unlike the Bush-era opposition. Why? I’d submit that the variable is Trump himself.
See, on the campaign trail, over the White House Twitter account, and in a few recent speeches, Trump has expressed—though rarely acted upon—some sensible, even profound, anti-war sentiments. He’s long said his “instincts” are to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and last month he made a show (really a reshuffling) of clumsily pulling the troops out of Syria. At least rhetorically, Trump opposes endless war in the Middle East. And, well, in these tribal times, if Trump’s against something, most Dems are for it! Even wars they once opposed, for years.


Bob Roddis said...

I have much less tolerance for people that come from a violence-based philosophy like "progressivism" than does the Great Scott Horton of The great majority of the antiwar people he interviews are leftists.

S400 said...

Can Bob Roddis have any less tolerance? No.

Peter Pan said...

The best machine parts have very fine tolerance.