Friday, November 1, 2019

The FBI is Tracking Our Faces in Secret. We’re Suing. — Kade Crockford , Director

At least China is upfront about this. And is taking all the media flak.

The whole kerfuffle over Huawei is about who is going to control the information, foreign intelligence services or Five Eyes (US, UK, Canada, Oz and NZ).

The FBI is Tracking Our Faces in Secret. We’re Suing.
Kade Crockford , Director


Kaivey said...

I saw this video where a Chinese person walks into an unmanned shop and a camera identifies him. He then takes what he wants, walks out, and then his bank account gets automatically debited. The Chinese think it's great.

Tom Hickey said...

@ Kaivey

Efficiency over privacy. This is the challenge of technology.

My predication is that efficiency will win hands down.

Peter Pan said...

I wave my card over a "tap" terminal, and I'm done.
Don't use efficiency as an excuse.