Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Explaining the globalist dimensions of Chinese nationalism — Zeying Wu

Some scholars have argued that China’s economic opening-up was a result of Chinese leaders’ acceptance of neoliberalism. But unlike neoliberal economists who consider economic openness as a goal itself, Chinese leaders treated economic openness as a strategic means to achieve domestic goals.…

East Asia Forum
Explaining the globalist dimensions of Chinese nationalism
Zeying Wu, PhD candidate in Political Science at Boston University


Peter Pan said...

Developing countries open up their economies in hopes of improving their standard of living. That's what they're told, that's what they believe.

Once your economy becomes large and successful, globalism can be used to aid your imperialist ambitions.

Kaivey said...

My tweet the other day -

Geopolitics - Covert Warfare!

RT Today is spreading antivax myths to destabilize the Western economy.

I'm no friend of western imperialism, but we don't want our economy crashed, which would seriously harm the livelihoods ordinary people.