We were saying all along that anti-mask and social distancing movement was making the pandemic worse, causing more harm to our economies, and it's the same for anti-vaccination.
It’s simply a numbers game. The modest benefit the virus would get from vaccine evasion is dwarfed by the vast opportunities to infect unvaccinated people.
Vaughn Cooper – Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Pittsburgh
Lee Harrison – Professor of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh
“ Coronaviruses use RNA for their genetic information, and copying RNA is more error-prone than using DNA.”
Pfizer and Moderna manufacture RNA for their vaccines….
"Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes."
Note the word "essential"
"Honey, come look! I've found some information all the world's top scientists and doctors missed."
Best line so far in the upcoming Canadian federal election:
Trudeau: "O'Toole [the conservative candidate] wants to get 90% of Canadians vaccinated? He can't even get 90% of his candidates vaccinated!"
“ Coronaviruses use RNA for their genetic information, and copying RNA is more error-prone than using DNA.”
Pfizer and Moderna manufacture RNA for their vaccines…."
Coronaviruses are thus more prone to mutation. For their good, our bad.
Errors with the mRNA vaccines are a non-issue. If that is what you are suggesting.
Well if someone is “copying “ something and making “copying errors” then how is Pfizer manufacturing those proteins and are they also resulting in errors in their manufacturing process?
“Copying errors” is a anthropomorphism imo…
Pfizer isn’t “copying” their protein like when Toyota manufactures 300,000 camrys per year they don’t make 1 Camry and then “copy” that one 299,999 times…
“Copying errors” is biased to Darwin.., who didn’t even have a Science degree he had an art degree in divinity
We have the same argument in Christendom where the typical Art degree divinity school people say “born again!” or “begotten anew” while others quote the scriptures directly and say “new creation”…
iow “born again” is akin to “copying errors”… “new creation” is akin to Pfizer’s manufacturing process…
“Copying” something is a different process than “manufacturing”
The introduction of those mRNA proteins into our cells starts a biochemical reaction that I assume is well understood by some people..,
It’s not “copying!” that’s a figure of speech… anthropomorphism…
Which is funny these people use a figure of speech “copying errors” anthropomorphism here and you guys are fine with it but then someone uses a figure of speech hyperbole in advocating against MMT and you guys have a big problem with it…
Hypocrite much?
What do you do when you come to a dead end tee when you are driving? Just drive straight into the corn field?
That sort of 'copying' involves snipping and inserting.
When you're writing computer code, CTRL+C, CTRL+X and CTRL+V are your tools.
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