Monday, February 21, 2022

Brian Berletic - How You Can Debunk Atlantic Council's Anti-China "Uyghur Genocide" Lies in 5 Minutes

Washington is out of control! Since 9/11 it's been on the rampage starting one war after another. 

The US has many superb companies and great technology, which could easily compete in a multi-polar world, but instead it prefers medieval warfare, piracy, and gunboat diplomacy. The US is starting one war after another, which its rich investors in the Military-Industrial Complex are making billions from. It's totally evil! 

The Atlantic Council has released a report claimed across the Western media to provide additional evidence of “genocide” in China’s western region of Xinjiang. However, in less than 5 minutes of research it is possible to expose the report as propaganda built on existing, baseless claims coupled to known information about World Bank and other institutions funding activities inside China. 

I show how the Atlantic Council uses facts like World Bank funding to help sneak past readers otherwise baseless claims regarding “genocide,” “forced labor,” and other alleged abuses. 

I discuss who is behind the Atlantic Council, why they are deliberately lying about China, and how by the Atlantic Council’s own admission, their goal is to subordinate China to US global interests.

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