Monday, July 8, 2013

Bill Mitchell — In a few minutes you do not learn much

Bill responds to the quote attributed to Mark Thoma in the NYT article on MMT, "They're just nuts," by taking Professor Thoma apart.

As I recall, Greg attempted to set up a debate between Bill and Mark Thoma some time ago, to which Bill agreed. Mark Thomas refused to debate, as I remember saying that he would not debate with someone that rejected the money multiplier, i.e., the basis of monetary policy in the minds of monetarists. Looks like subsequent events have settled that, with the Fed having exploded HPM only to see itself still fighting disinflation that threatens to be slip into deflation.

BTW, I learned in the comments at Bill's that Annie Lowrey is the wife of Ezra Klein, for what it's worth — he a political and economic columnist with the Washington Post and she with the New York Times. Talk about a bully pulpit.

Bill Mitchell – billy blog
In a few minutes you do not learn much
Bill Mitchell

My comment at Bill's:
The NYT coverage was a huge coup for MMT, even through it was “fair and balanced” in the sense of Faux News. Regardless, its millions of $ worth of free PR.
Of course, those who objected legitimately were right to do so. That provides the opportunity to set the record straight and garner even more free PR. 
So huge net positive for MMT and more evidence that the last mile is closing. Keep up the good work and don’t relax the pressure.


Dan Lynch said...

Ann is married to Obama's lap dog Ezra ?

Anywho, I thought the article was a positive for MMT despite the negatives. MMT is getting publicity, you can't ignore it any more.

David said...

I thought everyone knew about Annie and Ezra. A while ago I saw a picture profile of the top "power couples" in media. They showed Ezra and Annie making goo-goo eyes over dinner. They sure are a cute couple. Whoever came up the term "the village" to describe the incestuous, inbred, social-hierarchical, parochial nature of the Washington politico-media culture was definitely on to something. It may happen for a while or from time to time that "the village" (or the younger, hipper sector of it) will choose to be "amused" or "intrigued" by MMT. Don't think for a minute that they'll ever let you "in" or that their juvenile misrepresentations are honest "mistakes."

Matt Franko said...

Ok dont forget Klein's underling at WonkBlog, Dylan Matthews, was cited as the author of the MMT article at WaPo last year... now here is his wife penning this feature at the NYT.... so is Klein the puppet master here tasking Matthews and now his wife to do these MMT features....

Klein may be laying low as the Matthews piece at WaPo basically exposes Bob Woodward there as a moron as Woodward is a very high profile member of the Debt Doomsday Club... and now I think the NYT piece was fastballed past the NYT house economist Krugman who gets no mention here...

So both Woodward and Krugman are exposed here with these two MMT articles which have appeared in the 2 major east coast dailies in the past year penned by those of the Klein cabal...

The plot thickens!

James said...

In fairness to Klein, he did tweet this 3 days ago.

"The world would be a better place if the Modern Monetary Theorists had the influence of the hard money cranks:"

Greg said...

You have a memory like a steel trap Tom!

I used to comment regularly at Thomas place before I found Mosler, Mitchell et al (via Winterspeak). For a while I stayed with both and I did try to get Mark to comment at Bills place because there was an article he wrote that was on the same subject that Bill had recently written about. He was so dismissive of the idea I lost a lot of respect for him. That had to be four or five years ago