Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Will Feeding Citizens Harm Your Economy?

Commentary by Roger Erickson

India launches ambitious food subsidy program

The Washington Post interprets this as "a populist measure that is likely to burden the country’s foundering economy."

That's like saying that sending blood to your feet will harm your oxygen bank. ?? Huh? Do these idiots at the Washington Post even know what they're saying?

People thinking this way need a serious paradigm re-adjustment. This one's toxic. Call it a prelude to cultural gangrene. When we flavor all approaches to policy this way, does it even matter what currency operations we utilize?  ['Give me Control of the operations, and I care not which operations you employ!']

We have mandatory K-12 education. Why not mandatory adequate food & shelter too? That way we can at least see what our citizens are capable of - rather than constraining our most important asset by far.

Do we call every investment in drones, aircraft carriers, highways and NSA surveillance equipment an "ambitious corporate subsidy" program, and worry that it will harm our economy? Which "populist" segments of the populace does national investment in other sectors benefit? Which ever one has enough momentum to dictate the current flavor of propaganda?

What rubbish! This isn't even an honest discussion, let alone honest reporting. Is nearly our entire press corp brainwashed? If they're brainwashed, can our educators and citizenry be far behind? Can it be that Control Fraud has leapfrogged Wall St. and moved into curriculum planning for all schools of government?

Once we all stop thinking, will there be anyone left to switch off the propaganda machine?

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