NSA, for instance, is a secret nation, creating its own laws in secret. These laws are approved by judges in secret, based on secret testimony, and prosecuted and tried in secret with secret evidence....
They are kept secret “for your protection.” Presumably you could be breaking one or more of those secret laws, just by reading this blog. There is no way to know.Monetary Sovereignty
The arrogance of our vicious guard dogs grows
Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
1984 is so 20th century. Now we have the new and improved 1984, and it is not a novel. Animal Farm, too, has become reality.
Hey Tom… give this Reddit write up a read. I think it's quite insightful how the author of it talks about how our society is a mix between 1984 and Brave New World, and how the The Matrix is a brilliant metaphorical fusion of the two.
Good one, JK. Thanks for the link.
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