Thursday, December 6, 2012

Message from Yoda


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Yoda was real.

I'm signing up for that Jedi Skills course again. This time I'll stick with it.

Matt Franko said...

"the worry of this eon and the seduction of riches are stifling the word, and it is becoming unfruitful." Mat 13:22

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Here's a corker from Hayek:

"we must free ourselves from what is a widespread but basically wrong belief. Under the Gold Standard, or any other metallic standard, the value of money is not really derived from gold. The fact is, that the necessity of redeeming the money they issue in gold, places upon the issuers a discipline which forces them to control the quantity of money in an appropriate manner; I think it is quite as legitimate to say that under a gold standard it is the demand of gold for monetary purposes which determines that value of gold"

paul meli said...

y, are you becoming a student of Austrian theory just so you are able to refute it? If so, I appreciate the effort.

My eyes would glaze over about 3 sentences in. You and Lord Keynes do it so the rest of us don't.

Critical Tinkerer said...

"“At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts." Deutoronomy 15

Anonymous said...

Hayek again:

"it is an erroneous belief that the value of gold or any metallic basis determines directly the value of the money."

Geoff said...

y, I'll give this to the Austrians. Their site is excellent. The amount of resources available there is extensive. I particularly like the free e-books.