New Wayland (28 May 2023)
Sophistry or Shibboleth? - "Printing Money"
An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.
I participated in a “Yay/boo for MMT!” debate Zoom panel for the annual Canadian Economist Association conference.…
What I would offer as a generic lesson for this exercise is that discussing “MMT” as a concept is a dead end, one needs to focus on particular concrete topics of interest, and see whether MMT is offering useful insights into that topic.Bond Economics
For months, Speaker McCarthy has been telling the American people that republicans wouldn’t agree to raise the debt limit without a plan to get the nation’s “fiscal house back in order.” Never mind that he and most of his republican colleagues voted—without any preconditions—to lift the debt ceiling on three separate occasions when Donald Trump was president. To retain his gavel McCarthy needed to cut a deal that his members could get behind....The Lens
In response, President Biden said, “Speaker McCarthy and I have a very different view of who should bear the burden…to get our fiscal house in orde…...
I just refreshed my favourite U.S. breakeven inflation chart (above), and I was surprised by how placid pricing has been. This article gives a few observations regarding the implications of TIPS pricing....Bond Economics
RADHIKA DESAI: Hello and welcome to the 10th Geopolitical Economy Hour, the fortnightly show in which we discuss the political and geopolitical economy of our times. I’m Radhika Desai.
MICHAEL HUDSON: And I’m Michael Hudson.
RADHIKA DESAI: And as last time, we have once again with us today, Professor Mick Dunford, professor emeritus at Sussex University and visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mick is based in Beijing and his work focuses on world development, especially in Eurasia and China. And as you know from the last episode, Mick is here to help us discuss the political and geopolitical economy of the conflict over Ukraine....
As Perry Mehrling has recently argued in his intellectual portrait of economic historian Charles Kindleberger, the true undergirding continuity of international finance were not inter-governmental arrangements about national currencies, but the interlocking balance sheets of private finance stretched between the City of London and Wall Street. These made the Bretton Woods system increasingly unworkable by the late 1960s but they also ensured that the end of the system in the early 1970s did no produce a bottomless collapse of the dollar.
So this question - when was the era of Bretton Woods? - is, in fact, anything but simple. And its implications for how we think about global political economy are clearly non-trivial.
This is at least a should-read for those into monetary systems or global finance. The conventional view of Bretton Woods is unrealistic, as is the conventional view of just about everything. Adam Tooze attempts to set the record straight in terms of the history.
Tooze shows how Bretton Woods was implicitly doomed from the outset since fixed exchange rates are not compatible with modern growth. Class structure and the resulting power distribution were incompatible with it. And global asymmetries resulted in disruptive effects.
The conclusion is that a flexible system was needed to adapt quickly to changing conditions, but adopting too much flexibility simply accommodates the issues of class structure and power distribution, as well as global asymmetries. This affects the world system economically, politically, and socially in adverse ways. So a satisfactory solution was not attainable within the bounds of the Bretton Woods system. The breakdown did not happen at once but was a gradual affair until it was finally recognized that the system was unworkable for the major players and their interests.
The reality is that every solution has its pros and cons so adaptation is a constant requirement. A major con is that powerful forces are afoot and perverse incentives prevail. Hence, adaptation is not always benign for the world system.
For those wondering why my light posting lately, there are several reasons. First and most immediately, I was out of town for a week and had no opportunity. I just got around to reading this, for example.
Moreover, some of my current projects are requiring more of my time than previously.
Concerning the longer term, the era of blogs is going the way of email, being replaced by social media, Twitter and Facebook, and subscription services like Substack. That is to say, blogs are "losing market share."
My focus in econ and finance is MTT, and there is little new being put up on blogs on MMT. Moreover, the political orientation is growing and the theoretical is shrinking. I am interested neither in keeping up to date on the other venues nor do I have the time. So in the future, I will only be calling attention to things I think are should-reads or must-reads on MMT and related subjects. So expect only occasional posting unless conditions change.
Chartbook 216: When was the era of Bretton Woods?
Adam Tooze | Shelby Cullom Davis chair of History at Columbia University and Director of the European Institute.
Still requires approval but current form would suspend until January 2025 … after next presidential election… good riddance…
For the curious, here’s the part on how the suspension of the debt limit will work.
— Justin Slaughter (@JBSDC) May 28, 2023
TLDR: Treasury will again be able to use measures to delay hitting the debt ceiling come 2025.
McCarthy with the big 1-2 combination….
Here he leads with the good ole “borrowing from the Chinese!” Art degree moron analogy figurative language:
I literally asked the president: "What is the number? How much debt must America have before you say, 'let's stop borrowing from China?'"
— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) May 21, 2023
And then the big combo “spending money we don’t even have!” unqualified Art degree moron figure of speech:
Just got off the phone with the president while he’s out of the country.
— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) May 21, 2023
My position has not changed. Washington cannot continue to spend money we do not have at the expense of children and grandchildren.
Tomorrow, he and I will meet in person to continue negotiations.
Devastating combination…
GOP position looking good to the many dialogic Art degree morons and the others that are completely uneducated … which is a plurality… polling supports GOP morons over Democrat morons…
Art degree morons still winning…. 🙁
lol… the good ole’ “crowding out!” Art degree thesis … yo it’s probably going to cause a short term >$500B reserve drain at Depositories …. 🚀
Markets will suffer a $1 trillion aftershock once a debt limit deal is struck
— Saleha Mohsin (@SalehaMohsin) May 18, 2023
A supply burst to restock Treasury 's cash will raise short-term funding rates and tighten the screws on the US eco just as it’s on the cusp of recession
By @mccormickliz
Perfect follow to Tom’s Pepe le Pew post below.. Here this MAGA gold seller douchebag went to the same Art degree school as Escobar and is predicting the same debt doomsday apocalypse….
Both probably alienated somehow…
Review of Michael Hudson's latest book, The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization’s Oligarchic Turning Point — and its contemporary implications. Embellished with personal interaction with Michael Hudson.
Michael Hudson is becoming the go-to economist for reformers.
Also of note is the venue. Michael Hudson has been an influencer in China for years. Is Russia next?
Unfortunately, most of the people reading Hudson don't seem to be aware of the difference between public and private debt, or of the difference in monetary systems, at least those I have encountered.
Sputnik International (Russian state-sponsored media)Economics famously suffers from a “which way is up?” problem. The issue is whether an economy is suffering from too much demand or too little demand. On its face, that seems like it should be a very simple question, but in fact it can be complicated and people often get it wrong, with very serious consequences.
In my 2015 book – Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale (published May 2015) – I traced in considerable detail the events and views that led to the creation of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU, aka the Eurozone) once the Treaty of Maastricht was pushed through as the most advanced form of neoliberalism at that time. The difference between the EMU and other nations who have adopted neoliberal policies is that in the former case the ideology is embedded in the treaties, that is, in the constitutional system, which is almost impossible to change in any progressive way. In the latter case, voters can get rid of the ideology by voting the party that propagates it out of office. It is true that in current period, even the parties in the social democratic tradition have become neoliberal and there is little choice. But the EMU is different and has entrenched the most destructive ideology in its legal structures. We are reminded of this recently (April 26, 2023), when the European Commission released its latest missive – Commission proposes new economic governance rules fit for the future. Once operational, the policies advocated in this new governance structure will ensure that Europeans are once again made to endure persistent and elevated levels of unemployment and continued deterioration in the quality and scope of public infrastructure and welfare provision. The collapse of this ideological nightmare cannot come soon enough.It will likely also involve the collapse of the EU. See Victor Orban's recent remarks about the EU being supposedly created for "peace and prosperity" and delivering neither, in fact, the opposite. So just what is it actually for, he asks.
Short explainer on Marx’s theory of Alienation…
There is apparently a whole big thing under Marx wrt this “Alienation” … So if you are believing Marx here on alienation (uneducated climate nutter Greta Thumberg e.g.) you’re likely to form apocalyptic beliefs as a result…
Not ideal imo…
I wonder where Christendumb gets theirs? All the debt doomsday morons? The perma bears? 🤔
This is what is happening with all of the doomsday/apocalypse stuff you see out there these days… whether it’s “dollar crash!”… “debt doomsday!”… Christian “end times!” … “climate!”… etc…
Social alienation is a person's feeling of disconnection from a group – whether friends, family, or wider society – to which the individual has an affinity. Such alienation has been described as "a condition in social relationships reflected by (1) a low degree of integration or common values and (2) a high degree of distance or isolation (3a) between individuals, or (3b) between an individual and a group of people in a community or work environment [enumeration added]".[1] It is a sociological concept developed by several classical and contemporary theorists.[2] The concept has many discipline-specific uses, and can refer both to a personal psychological state (subjectively) and to a type of social relationship (objectively).
When you find yourself thinking there is going to be some sort of apocalyptic disaster consider you are somehow feeling alienation and that is making you think there is going to be an apocalypse…
Summary: The Department of Defense uses obscure accounting to conceal its true cost from America’s citizens, assisted by the mainstream press. Long-time DoD expert Winslow Wheeler shows the real cost for our War Department. Like all debunking of our mad military industrial complex since President Eisenhower warned us in 1961, he has been ignored....Defense spending and the interest on the national debt approach 3T. Add non-discretionary spending like SS and Medicare and that's some real fiscal stimulus on an ongoing basis.
In Tuesday’s fiscal statement, the Australian government made a lot of noise about dealing with the climate emergency that the nation faces but in terms of hard fiscal outlays or initiatives it did very little, deferring action again, while ‘the place burns’. The Climate Council assessment was that the government “still seems to be on a warm-up lap when it comes to investing in climate action” (Source) and recommended the nation moves from a “slow job” to a “sprint”. I have previously written about the myopic nature of neoliberalism. There are countless examples of governments penny pinching and then having to outlay dollars to fix the problem they create by the austerity. The climate emergency is of another scale again though. And penny pinching now will cause immeasurable damage to humanity. Food security will be threatened. Urban environments will become unliveable. Pandemics will increase if we don’t stop clearing and if we release viruses stored in permafrost. And all the rest that awaits us. Now is the time to reset our understanding of fiscal capacity. It is already, probably, too late....No problem financing war-making though. It's not like they don't get available fiscal space in a floating rate system. It's the political priorities.
U.S. Interest payment is now equal to Defense spending
— Mark Moss (@1MarkMoss) May 11, 2023
And 30% of the debt has to be refinanced in the next 12 months at todays higher rates!!
Hang on! 🚀
And Fed’s IOR policy (now at over 5% annual) providing $14B/mo. of additional Capital to Depository system leading to a recent all time high in Depository system Residual:
Hard to imagine how the Art degree brain could see any of this as debilitating…. 🤔
Trump has the ball in the red zone… lower interest rates and a shit-canning of monetarism seemingly on the way in 18 months…
Brandon needs to pivot on rates soon or he’s going to get Jimmy Cartered…
Left-wing polls show President Trump trouncing Joe Biden, while DeSantis loses Wall Street, which is bad for him since he relies on the donors because he doesn’t have the People!
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) May 8, 2023
Polling not on Brandon's side... I assume most people blame Brandon stimmie and Brandon Russia sanctions for "inflation!"... so they probably think he should be the one to take the hit... people supporting GOP on budget because they are weary of prices going up ….
Brandon trying to blame “inflation!” on Monetarism is not working… people aren’t buying it…
Meanwhile Brandon no mention of rate policy moderation at all… might be ready to double down…
Who should compromise most to reach a debt ceiling deal?
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 8, 2023
-By Party-
Last Friday (May 5, 2023), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – April 2023 – which revealed continuing employment growth and and modest declines in unemployment. While the US Federal Reserve is deliberately trying to undermine the labour market, even though the inflation rate is falling relatively quickly, the April data suggests that the interest rate increases are not achieving the aim. There is no surprise there. Monetary policy is a relatively ineffective tool to suppress demand. Most of the aggregates are steady and in terms of the pre-pandemic period, March’s net employment change was still relatively strong. Real wages finally showed some improvement in the face of a decelerating inflation rate. Overall, the US labour market is steady and doesn’t appear to be contracting in the face of the Federal Reserve interest rate hikes....William Mitchell — Modern Monetary Theory
It is also worth noting that any concerns about the technology leading to more inequality are wrongheaded. If AI does lead to more inequality it will be due to how we have chosen to regulate AI, not AI itself.Real-World Economics Review Blog
People gain from technology as a result of how we set rules on intellectual products, like granting patent and copyright monopolies and allowing non-disclosure agreements to be enforceable contracts. If we had a world without these sorts of restrictions it is almost impossible to imagine a scenario in which AI, or other recent technologies, would lead to inequality. (Imagine all Microsoft software was free. How rich is Bill Gates?)
If AI leads to more inequality, it will be because of the rules we have put in place surrounding AI, not AI itself. It is understandable that the people who gain from this inequality would like to blame the technology, not rules which can be changed, but it is not true. Unfortunately, people involved in policy debates don’t seem able to recognize this point....
MAGA with the best technical explanation of the current banking system problems I’ve seen:
I still don’t understand why these Art degree monetarist morons don’t want to increase the rate of their QT to reduce their figure of speech “inflation!”… 🤔
The – Washington Consensus – has been out in full force this week with the US Federal Reserve and the RBA increasing interest rates further despite all the indications that inflation peaked months ago and its downward trajectory has had little if anything to do with the ridiculous interest rate rises since early 2022. Both banks, along with most other central banks, are just thumbing through the New Keynesian textbook to get their direction and pretending to be capable of assessing the situation correctly. Neither the textbooks nor the assessments are remotely accurate and unnecessary pain is just being inflicted on low income mortgage holders. But the public barely know that there is a grand global experiment being conducted by central banks which allow us to reflect on the veracity of competing economic theories and approaches. Most central banks are hiking rates at present as a reflection of the dominance of the New Keynesian prioritisation of monetary policy as a counter-stabilising, anti-inflationary policy tool over fiscal policy. One central bank is not following suit – the Bank of Japan. The BOJ has not shifted rates, is maintaining its yield curve control policy and the government is expanding fiscal policy. The diametric opposite to the New Keynesian approach. We now have enough data to assess the relative merits of the two approaches. Japan has lower inflation, no currency crisis and its citizens are better off as a result of the monetary-fiscal policy initiatives.…
It’s Wednesday, and we have a few observations on recent events including a music feature. But the main issue in the last 24 hours is the decision by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to add an 11th interest rate increase at a time when inflation is falling significantly. As I noted last week, the narrative is now shifting among these characters – it is all about inflation not falling ‘fast enough’ and they still claim a wages explosion is likely unless they get inflation down more quickly. It now appears to me that the RBA has lost the plot completely. I have written regularly about this in the last 12 months, but today I have been exploring new data which shows that rising interest rates create a vicious circle of higher inflation which then precipitate further higher interest rates. My recommendation is that the Federal treasurer should use his powers under the RBA Act 1959 and overrule the RBA governor and his board and freeze interest rates. We have to stop this RBA madness somehow!...William Mitchell — Modern Monetary Theory
I’ve migrated the nearly 10 years of archives — well over a million words — from:
… and will be posting on substack in the future. The name is different. It turned out information equilibrium (two processes or state spaces that require equivalent information to specify events taking place) was more important than the more general information transfer concept that allows for information loss — at least in terms of models of empirical data. However, it’s always important to keep in the back of your mind that economic systems are not thermodynamic ones — the 2nd law isn’t a thing for social systems.
PS I have two e-books on Amazon (paperback available):
A Random Physicist Takes on Economics (2017)
A Workers’ History of the United States 1948-2020 (2019)
They’ve had zero or negative rates for like the last 25 years … but watch NOW the Art degree morons are going to say the zero interest rates caused their figure of speech “inflation!”… lock it…
Breaking: Tokyo inflation comes at a FILTHY 3.8%, above virtually every single forecast. Core, core inflation hits 41-year high
— David Ingles (@DavidInglesTV) April 27, 2023
First Republic Bank was forced into a take over by J.P. Morgan Chase, and was yet another Californian victim of bad banking risk management. My bias was that First Republic was not large enough to worry about, so I cannot offer any insights into the event. My main complaint is that this appears to be another bank that blew itself up with interest rate risk, which makes my life of writing a banking primer more difficult. I had always made allowances for bad bank risk management in the United States, but I had underestimated how large an incompetent bank can get....Bond Economics
RADHIKA DESAI: Hi everyone, welcome to this eighth Geopolitical Economy Hour,…. And this will be the fourth and final show on de-dollarization....Video and transcript.
There is something deeply wrong with the world under Capitalism when the poorest countries in the world pay more out on debt servicing to loans that the wealthy countries have provided than they do on maintaining their health care services. I have been examining data derived from the World Bank WDI database and the IMF WEO database pertaining to the debt sustainability of the poorest nations in the world. Using 2019 data (most recent) 64 nations, for which coherent data is available, spend more on external debt services than they do on health care (Source). At the same time, the most recent assessment from the IMF and the World Bank, under their Debt Sustainability Program (DSA) shows that debt distress is rising fast across the low-income bloc of countries. The response of the multilateral institutions is to enter ‘agreements’ with these nations that impose fiscal austerity and enforce a range of changes such as privatisation, outsourcing and more. This strategy does not work and only serves to protect the assets of the rich countries and corporations. A debt jubilee is the only way low-income nations will escape the penury of debt distress and the austerity-obsessed clutches of the IMF and the World Bank.…
Bill joins Michael Hudson in calling for debt cancellation where onerous debt cannot be repaid since there is no reasonable path. Moreover, it is arguable that these debts were imposed as a result of (institutionalized) predatory lending and are therefore not legally enforceable. International institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are advertised as developmental when they operate as tools for continuing colonization. This is an aspect of predatory capitalism.