Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The New Red Scare

"Barack Obama is a socialist," former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), claimed on Fox News Monday night, speaking about her concerns regarding a fiscal cliff deal, growing American debt and a president who, she said, could even be leading the nation on a slow march toward communism.
Talking with Sean Hannity, Palin said that the opening offer Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner presented to Republicans last week to avert the fiscal cliff was a dangerous proposition.“A very scary proposal was recently revealed by Geithner essentially saying, ‘Let the president have free rein on raising the debt ceiling to whatever level he wants it.' That’s a very scary thought," she said, pointing to Obama's supposedly "socialist" views.
"He believes in socialism, in redistributing, in confiscating hard-earned dollars of our small businessmen and women so that they cannot re-invest their dollars and hire more people and grow and expand," Palin continued. "Instead he believes in these failed socialist policies. And I say that not to personally condemn our president, but I say it because I face reality, and I see what's going on, and I see the path that we are on and the fact that Barack Obama has not had a budget in the four years that he's been in office and not been worried about it and continues to spend recklessly other people's money. And that is a sign of that idea of loving socialism."
Pressed by Hannity on her recent warning to Republican "wusses" who might agree to a fiscal cliff deal without massive spending cuts and sweeping entitlement reforms, Palin apologized for name-calling, but encouraged conservative lawmakers to combat a supposed tide of socialism, or perhaps worse, which she appeared to suggest would be brought forth by a fiscal cliff.
“So I say, Republicans, go back to what the planks in your platform represent,” Palin said. “It represents reining in government, putting back the power and the responsibility in the individual, not in the state, not in government. Again, that gets us towards socialism. What goes beyond socialism, Sean, is communism. I know I’m going to get slammed for speaking so bluntly about what’s going on here, but that is exactly what is going on.”
The Huffington Post
Sarah Palin: 'Barack Obama Is A Socialist,' Communism Could Be Coming (VIDEO)
Nick Wing


Anonymous said...
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Greg said...


Is there anywhere a more clueless pundit than Sarah Palin. Every time she opines on anything it is brutal. Throw out the S word, the C word, maybe the M word..... what a loser.

Tom Hickey said...

Is there anywhere a more clueless pundit than Sarah Palin. Every time she opines on anything it is brutal. Throw out the S word, the C word, maybe the M word..... what a loser.

The scary thing about Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Fox, etc., is that that they speak to and for a whole constituency that is captured by this framing.

I put these posts up to demonstrate the framing, which is constructed of memes that are a mixture of fantasy masquerading as fact and moralizing in which neoliberalism is interwoven with "traditional values." And this is represented as "the real America."

Matt Franko said...

Yeah but Tom,

These "memes" or what ever are full of shit...

These people are all about "freedom" and "liberty" or whatever... and our Founding Fathers and all of this stuff and where did we get the idea for our current system of govt? The whole basis?

Ancient Greece no? Democracy/Plato's Republic etc?

Well if you read Aristotle he clearly tells us that they used state currency which value came NOT from nature but of Law... used it to manage the economy via positive actions, etc.. worked with the Temples to provide assured distribution of economic surplus, etc...

Then you have these dickheads like Beck/hannity/Limbaugh and whatever morons out there sit on the radio SELLING GOLD all day and tying that to "freedom" or "liberty" or something.... when the founders of western civilization flatout REJECTED that...

they have scrambled eggs for brains...

These memes should not be hard to overcome in this regard...


Greg said...

I know what you are getting at Tom, and I agree. I just really think Palin is way past her prime. Most conservatives are ashamed to say they like her now.