Monday, July 21, 2014

BBC News — Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum

Bodes ill not only for Iraqi Christians. The US Christian right is going to amp up against Islam even more. The US is far from done with Iraq.

BBC News
Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum

See also Noah Shachtman And Spencer Ackerman, U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam, at Wired.
International laws protecting civilians in wartime are “no longer relevant,” [Army Lt. Col. Matthew A.] Dooley continues. And that opens the possibility of applying “the historical precedents of Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki” to Islam’s holiest cities, and bringing about “Mecca and Medina['s] destruction.”
Spencer Ackerman, Soldier Who Taught ‘Total War’ Against Islam Threatens to Sue Top Military Officer, at Wired.

Claude Salhani, The Islamic State: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid, at OilPrice.
Groups like the Islamic State realize that sooner or later they are bound to clash with the United States and Western powers, and with that in mind are very likely preparing to attack or counterattack the U.S…. 
Ariel Cohen, a leading U.S. energy and geopolitics expert and the principal of International Market Analysis, said the Islamic State has an “ambitious agenda” to try and conquer large territories, setting up violent clashes with multiple armies, governments and civilian fighters. “We may be, for all intents and purposes, looking at a multi-century conflict,” he said.
Hmm. Religious conflicts have been some of the worst historically. This as all the makings of one.


Anonymous said...

gold standard will solve all such problems.

Peter Pan said...

Get rid of Maliki. Once in power, Iraq's Sunnis/Baathists will take care of ISIS, but not before ISIS takes care of the Shiias.

Ralph Musgrave said...

That's the same BBC as has spent the last 15 years promoting migration to the UK from Muslim countries, and which could ultimately result in Christians being chased out of the UK.

Meanwhile, if any ISIS fighters are short of work, please apply to me, and I'll pay you to chase BBC staff out of the UK.

Matt Franko said...

Tom the 'Christian right' seems to be more interested in the US southern border right now...


Tom Hickey said...

They can actually walk and chew gum. They have many different agendas.

The US military is now heavily infiltrated with Christian rightists, for example. If this were an isolated example we could write off, but it is not.

Also have to distinguish the players and it is somewhat hierarchical.

Malmo's Ghost said...

"The US Christian right is going to amp up against Islam even more"

FYI, there's far more folks out here in the USA than the Christian right rumbling against Islam. There's a boatload of lefties up here in Highland Park , Il alone who deeply loathe them, and verbalize it freely on the dinner circuit.

Malmo's Ghost said...

"Tom the 'Christian right' seems to be more interested in the US southern border right now..."

I'm far from being a Christian right person and yet I'm very very interested in what's happening on our porous southern border. And the left is going to get their clocks cleaned on the issue come November---Read: I part strenuously with the left on the ILLEGAL immigration issue.

Malmo's Ghost said...

...It's a slam dunk issue for the right at the polls, Charles Schumer's and the Chamber of Commerce's bs notwithstanding.

Malmo's Ghost said...

OT again: I agree 100% with Pat Buchanan on the issue too:

Malmo's Ghost said...

Sorry for the threadjack, but another reason immigration is a winning issue for the right (non establishment right) in Nov, coupled with, of course, the Bratt effect:

..and does anyone remember when the "paper of record" penned such rational views on the subject:

Matt Franko said...

Mal, FD I voted for Buchanan in the primaries back in the 90s... and also think we need to lock it down on the southern border and start to chastise the leadership of these Central American nations to improve their economic systems down there... they are a disgrace to the west...


Tom Hickey said...

Well, race wars are on a par with religious wars.

Chalk up another challenge to peaceful coexistence.

The Rombach Report said...

"Once in power, Iraq's Sunnis/Baathists will take care of ISIS, but not before ISIS takes care of the Shiias."

ISIS consists of a lot of the Sunni / Bathists who were in charge under Saddam.

Peter Pan said...

ISIS consists of a lot of the Sunni / Bathists who were in charge under Saddam

Indeed. When all is said and done however, ISIS in Iraq will only consist of Baathists. How do we say "Et tu, Brute?" in Arabic?