Monday, May 4, 2015

Matias Vernengo — Keynes on Socialism

Keeper quote. Another good quote in the first comment. Important for understanding the MMT project of resolving the trifecta of growth, employment and price level through functional finance, the sectoral balance approach, and SFC macro modeling rather than a mechanical model like New Keynesians' DSGE and monetary policy.

Naked Keynesianism
Keynes on Socialism
Matias Vernengo | Associate Professor of Economics, Bucknell University


MRW said...

What do the acronyms mean?

Tom Hickey said...

MMT = Modern Monetary Theory aka Modern Money Theory (Wray)

DSGE - Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium

SFC = Stock-Flow Consistent (consistent with accounting)

MRW said...

Thanks, Tom. I send newbies here all the time and they peel off the page when they encounter acronyms they don't understand.

Tom Hickey said...

Yes, I assumed that.