Thursday, November 16, 2017

CNN — People for sale [in Libya]

Intended consequences of "spreading freedom and democracy" with bombs.

Not that slavery isn't endemic in some parts of the world. But not in Gaddafi's Libya. That was then.

People for sale [in Libya]
Nima Elbagir, Raja Razek, Alex Platt and Bryony Jones


Joe said...

Remember during the debates when Trump said Libya would be better off if Gaddafi had stayed in power and everyone thought that was a completely scandalous thing to say?

They went from the highest human development index in all of Africa to having terrorist training camps and slave auction. If that's the bar for success...

Tom Hickey said...

As Volodya observed, "everything the US touches turns to shit."

John said...

Tacitus said it best: "They create a wasteland and call it peace."