Thursday, November 30, 2017

Joaquin Flores — China to fight ISIS in Syria? No, and here's why FRN didn't run that story

Fort Russ News has no problem printing a retraction, but we'd rather avoid that when we know beforehand that we'd later have to. There's a cynical saying inside the news world, that news only has to be true for a day. We aren't interested in that. Maintaining readership and building trust as a credible paper, emerging as a paper of record, is a long-term and principle-based project, and this means not covering a sensational story that gives a short term boost to ratings.
Fort Russ
China to fight ISIS in Syria? No, and here's why FRN didn't run that story
Joaquin Flores | Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations. he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California.


Noah Way said...

"The liberation of Tibet"

Really? I have a Tibetan friend who was "liberated". That's not what he called it.

Tom Hickey said...

Really depends on one's POV.

From the Chinese POV, and the POV of some Western liberals, Tibet was a medieval theocracy prior to its "liberation" from the lamas.

See Times of India (Nov 24, 2017)
Tibet wants to stay with China, says Dalai Lama

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said on Thursday that Tibet did not seek independence from China but greater development.

Speaking at an interactive session hosted by the Indian Chamber of Commerce here, he said, "We are not seeking independence... We want to stay with China. We want more development."

He added, "Tibet has a different culture and a different script... The Chinese people love their own country. We love our own country."

He said, "From Yangtze to Sindhu rivers, major rivers ... come from Tibet. Billions of lives are involved. Taking care of the Tibetan plateau is not only good for Tibet but for billions of people."

Here is where the devil is in the details. The Dalai Lama was freedom of religion and China views most of institutional religion in Marxist terms as "the opiate of the people" that an elite uses to exploit them.

This issue is being fought out in the rest of the world, too, between various forms of liberalism and traditionalism, including in the US where conservative Catholics and the Protestant religious right have teamed up to override what they view as excessive liberalism that challenges the freedom of traditionalists to follow their religion.

However, the political reality is that the Chinese annexation of Tibet was a strategic move to protect its border region.

Tom Hickey said...

Oops. I neglected to post the link to the Times of India report. Here it is.

ab harry said...

Really depends on one's POV.

Ahmed Fares said...

re: ethnic dilution

Exactly how many Chinese live in Tibet is a matter of some dispute. The local government puts the population of Lhasa at 89% Tibetan and 9% Chinese, with the rest belonging to other ethnic groups. In Tibet as a whole, more than 95% are classified as Tibetan. The vast majority of the region’s 2.4 million people live in the countryside and are descendants of the nomadic herders who first settled this Himalayan region.

But the official figures do not include the thousands of Chinese migrants who pour across Tibet’s borders and fail to register with the authorities. Nor do they include the heavy Chinese military presence that has occupied Tibet ever since the People’s Liberation Army first rumbled in nearly 50 years ago.

All told, some estimates say, Han Chinese account for between 15% and 23% of Tibet’s population--higher than what Beijing acknowledges, but lower than claims by members of the Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile that Tibetans are now in the minority.
—Los Angeles Times

Some have said that China is doing something similar in Xinjiang where Muslims are offered work in factories on the other side of China, the idea being that they are diluted by the greater Chinese population there, taking on the norms and customs of the people they work with and forgetting their religion and language, i.e., a different form of ethnic dilution.

Ahmed Fares said...

After I posted my comment, I did a Google search on the terms "ethnic dilution" and "assimilation", the latter of which is what the West does, and see the similarities and differences between the two terms. In my search, I encountered yet a new term, namely "Demographic Engineering".

Demographic engineering is deliberate effort to shift the ethnic balance of an area, especially when undertaken to create ethnically homogeneous populations. Demographic engineering ranges from falsification of census results, redrawing borders, differential natalism to change birth rates of certain population groups, targeting disfavored groups with voluntary or coerced emigration, and population transfer and resettlement with members of the favored group. At an extreme, demographic engineering is undertaken through genocide.

source: Demographic engineering

Further, in the article quoted above, is this:

Ottoman Empire and Turkey

According to Dutch Turkologist Erik-Jan Zürcher, the era from 1850 to 1950 was "Europe’s age of demographic engineering", citing the large number of forced population movements and genocides that occurred. He states that for much of this period, the Ottoman Empire was "the laboratory of demographic engineering in Europe". Swiss historian Hans-Lukas Kieser states that the Ottoman Committee of Union and Progress "was far ahead of German elites" when it came to ethnic nationalism and demographic engineering.

Horoscope 2024 said...

Why china we all have to stand against violence.

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