Saturday, January 6, 2018

Moon of Alabama — Trump Offloads Foreign Policy Problems - Lets EU Grow A Spine

The question is becoming, "Who lost Europe?"

Moon of Alabama
Trump Offloads Foreign Policy Problems - Lets EU Grow A Spine


Une parole franche
Rex Tillerson in "The New York Times": Pride and PrejudiceGilbert Doctorow | European Coordinator of The American Committee for East West Accord Ltd.


Matt Franko said...

"Who lost Europe?"

WHO cares?!?!?!

WW2 is long over ... how lomg do we have to be expected to push the wheelchair???

Tom Hickey said...

WHO cares?!?!?!

WW2 is long over ... how lomg do we have to be expected to push the wheelchair???

Right, but tell that the US elite.

Noah Way said...

Lots of money being made by the MIC with NATO military spending requirements.