Thursday, May 7, 2020

Doctor calls for PPE from roof as UK 'claps for carers'

Every night in the UK at 8pm people go outside of their houses to cheer and clap for the NHS workers who are on the frontline. But some people wish they would pester the government more to supply enough PPE for the health workers.

People around the UK clapped and cheered for key workers, carers and the NHS at 8pm on Thursday, as has become a weekly occurrence while people stay indoors to slow the spread of coronavirus. 
One doctor banged a pot with a spoon on a roof in Hackney, London, and called for more personal protective equipment for hospital workers saying: 'Clap for PPE'

The Guardian 

A Chinese medical worker putting on her PPE 


lastgreek said...

Old idiom: Talk is cheap.

New idiom: Clapping is cheap

Peter Pan said...

Clapping is ableist. Check your privilege, jazz hands only.