Saturday, May 2, 2020

Gain of Function

Good thread examining the current Gain of Function issue:


lastgreek said...

You know, unlike bacteria, a virus will not grow in a petri dish -- it needs a living host.

Matt, you busy next week? ;)

Matt Franko said...

"Cultivation of Viruses
Viruses can be grown in vivo (within a whole living organism, plant, or animal) or in vitro (outside a living organism in cells in an artificial environment, such as a test tube, cell culture flask, or agar plate). "

You got one very f-ed up Discipline there you guys... just like Economics...

lastgreek said...

"Greek... Your Discipline is shit..."

Matt, my "discipline"? In high school and college my "discipline" was beautiful girls (girls in high school, women in college -- a la Georges Simenon ;) ) That's why I became nothing more than a bored-out-of-my-mind accountant (easiest major in college) :(

Btw, Matt.. a living cell is a "living host." And, you know, people make wonderful hosts ;)

Greg said...

Greek 1
Matt 0

Matt will probably just claim he was being sarcastic

Matt Franko said...

No ... he makes a statement saying virus can’t be created in vitro then is post an article saying they can be created in vitro ...

Checkmate.... AGAIN...

Double triggers....

Matt Franko said...

That may be how China did it...

Matt Franko said...

Do I have to teach you guys Biolog now?

"Nutrient agar is a general purpose medium supporting growth of a wide range of non-fastidious organisms."

if a Petri dish is sterilized and no nutrient agar is applied to the dish then no bacteria will grow... same with virus...

You guys dont even know what the hell is going on...

Double checkmate...

Greg said...

Matt Matt Matt you are just like Trump, doubling down when wrong

Unlike bacteria and other microorganisms which can be grown in artificial media, viruses cannot be grown on artificial media but must be grown in living cells. Viruses cannot be grown on an ordinary culture medium because they are not actually living organisms. ... Animal and plant viruses are cultivated in cell cultures. Yes that can be done in vitro but putting a virus by itself in a medium of just nutrients is fruitless. They have no metabolism, they DO NOT GROW. They multiply by hijacking a living cells nucleus.

Matt Franko said...

Greg here you say:

“ Yes that can be done in vitro “

Greek says above that cannot be done here: “ a virus will not grow in a petri dish”

If you put the correct material in the dish it will multiply in the dish...

“ Petri dishes are widely used in biology to cultivate microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds. ... Virus or phage cultures require that a population of bacteria be grown in the dish first, which then becomes the culture medium for the viral inoculum.”

Matt Franko said...

Chicomms doing gain of function research in vitro.... might have gotten loose... if so, they owe me $75k just for starters...

I’ll take payment in US Treasury bonds no problemo....

Matt Franko said...
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Matt Franko said...

Is any of you guys excuse making for China USD zombie disgraced POS lower than whale shit nation commies because you thought they couldnt do GOF research on virus in vitro?

Matt Franko said...

Or maybe you guys are all Darwin trained zombie morons and think everything is explained by random chance?

Greg said...

A Petri dish with just agar in it will NOT grow viruses. That’s what Greek was saying. You wrote as if you believed that a virus was just like a bacteria and only needed a growth medium like agar as food...... which I think you did believe but will never admit your mistake .......cuz......MAGAIDIOT . A virus can be found/studied in a culture of bacteria, in a Petri dish using the bacteria as the host

And the US sends scientists, pays for those labs and does that same research in the US. It’s not just a China thing

This is all just Trump covering his naked white ass for his bold predictions from his science sources (probably Kudlow and Miller) that the cases would be down to zero .....soon

Whatever delays there were in China we still had valid info by January.......... just ignored and downplayed it........ except those GOP reps who went and sold their stocks