Saturday, May 9, 2020

Recession Measures and NBER — Bill McBride


Calculated Risk
Recession Measures and NBER
Bill McBride


Angry Bear
Elementary Statistics Review — Hypothesis Testing
Robert Waldmann


Matt Franko said...

Bear dude: "2. Power. Power is not a number. It is a function. It is the probability that the null hypothesis will be rejected if the alternative hypothesis is true. "

This assumes a dialectic methodology with the phrase "alternative hypothesis" ... this is a bastardization of "anti-thesis" in the dialectic method...

there are no "alternative hypothesis" in the scientific method... there are just hypothesis... which are tested and found to be true or false... if false they are discarded... and an adjustment is made... and a new hypothesis is then generated for testing...

Matt Franko said...,_antithesis,_synthesis

"The triad thesis, antithesis, synthesis (German: These, Antithese, Synthese; originally:[1] Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis) is a progression of three ideas or propositions in which the first idea is followed by a second idea that negates the first, "

this guy assumes this methodology...

There are other methodologies being implemented out there... science/scientific is one...

Successful people (materially successful) use other methods...

lastgreek said...

Matt, not getting what you're saying, but I'll just quickly add that I think the name "Bill McBride" makes a fine name in a Western movie ;)

[off topic]

I watched the western The Comancheros last night starring John Wayne, Stuart Whitman, and the incredibly beautiful Ina Balin. Great movie directed by Michael Curtiz. Stuart Whitman passed this past March.

Matt Franko said...

You ever see that Stuart Whitman movie where he was in a plane crash and he ended up the Alpha in a pride of baboons?

Matt Franko said...


(all figurative....)

Matt Franko said...

Here now I'll do what you guys do... I'll get involved where I have no f-ing business getting involved...

See that ending where the Whitman character ends up defeating the alpha baboon and taking over the baboon tribe could never happen a baboon would win every time... so therefore the motion picture should never have been allowed to be made... I dont see the value in creating a figuative motion picture like that as it could never happen..

As a matter of fact, what we should do from now on, ALL motion pictures should be documentaries ONLY... literature should be ONLY technical operations and maintenance manuals for material systems... music should ONLY be allowed to be playing scale progressions back and forth across the finger boards by single instruments individually to demonstrate the frequency accuracy of the notes and the quality of the instrument design and construction... paintings should be outlawed and instead only technical diagrams should be allowed to be created...

There that should F up the Art world about the same as how you Art Degree morons have f-ed up the material world...

S400 said...

So you left your room again. Go back and start by learning how to setup the chess.

Greg said...

there are no "alternative hypothesis" in the scientific method... there are just hypothesis... which are tested and found to be true or false... if false they are discarded... and an adjustment is made... and a new hypothesis is then generated for testing...

You are just describing deductive reasoning, but inductive reasoning is just as scientific. One is not better than the other, they are both needed fro different problems. Inductive reasoning goes from facts and observations to making a theory, deductive is the opposite direction

Induction moves from specific to general deduction the other way.

Deduction has unassailable conclusions if premises are correct while inductive arguments simply have some probability they are true.