Friday, January 8, 2021

Far-right activists on social media telegraphed violence weeks in advance of the attack on the US Capitol — Alex Newhouse

Assuming this is substantially correct, the question arises as to why the intel services and specifically the FBI which is tasked with this apparently either missed it, or didn't communicate it, or …. One possibility is that the FBI assessed it as braggadocio, but if so, it was a huge blunder in analysis. 

This seems to indicate a failure not only the Capitol Police but also the FBI.

Inquiring minds would like to know, and I suspect that includes many members of Congress.

The SNAFU is even worse than the incident, as it arguably was in the case of 9/11, at least on the basis of the official report attributing it to a failure of intel owing to lack of coordination. This failure of communication of intel was the basis for the establishment of DHS.

As Lindsey Graham put it, "They could have killed up all."

The Conversation
Far-right activists on social media telegraphed violence weeks in advance of the attack on the US Capitol
Alex Newhouse | Research Lead, Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism, Middlebury Institute of International Studies


Peter Pan said...

It's a tried and tested means to get Patriot Act II.


Ryan Harris said...

For months here every night we had Biden supporters marching, looting, car jacking, burning and being a general nuisance. The political leaders in govt didn't just look the other way, they'd bail them out of jail , send down orders to refuse to charge and would come out and speak to them and get pictures. Insanity. If we had only known, that all congress needed to learn the value of security to citizens was one hour of MAGAs demonstrating in the halls of congress! Put the fear of God in these people. Hallelujah! About time.

Peter Pan said...

Politicians should be acutely terrified of the public. Encourages good governance.