Thursday, January 7, 2021

Storming of the Capitol Was Openly Planned but Ignored by Law Enforcement — Ryan Devereaux

German, the former FBI agent, said, “There needs to be a serious inquiry into the intelligence breakdowns and the tactical breakdowns that allowed capital itself to be breached, particularly by people with weapons.” Adam Isacson, the D.C.-based director of the defense oversight program at the Washington Office on Latin America, linked the events to a broader politicization of law enforcement under Trump, reminiscent of the anti-democratic movements the U.S. has historically sponsored in countries around the world. “You don’t get to ransack the Capitol for hours, then calmly walk away, unless law enforcement and its command share your views,” he wrote. “What we saw yesterday was tacit approval of the rioters. Full stop.”...
The Intercept
Storming of the Capitol Was Openly Planned but Ignored by Law Enforcement
Ryan Devereaux


Peter Pan said...

The Intercept without Glenn Greenwald is now unfiltered.

Yes, false flag incidents tend to be planned.

Kaivey said...

I saw footage where the police just let the protestors open the gates. The person who tweeted footage said the police opened the gates, but I wasn't sure.

Unknown said...

Trump should be under arrest so that the police can search through the Whitehouse for evidence that this was an organized conspiracy led by Trump. Trump's family should be removed from the Whitehouse.

Ahmed Fares said...


A cop waving them in. First 8 seconds.

A cop waving them in