Saturday, May 8, 2021

Abby Martin - The Woke CIA PsyOp

WOKE CIA: The vast majority of the American youth are liberal, anti-racist, pro LGBT, for minority rights, and are anti-imperialist. So what's the CIA up to? Abby Martin explains what's behind the cringe ‘Humans of CIA’ recruitment ad promoting themselves as a place of ‘intersectional’ social progress

(45) The Woke CIA PsyOp - YouTube


Matt Franko said...

It’s not a “psy op!” It’s just these people demonstrating that people of their identity can do the intel job just like anybody else previously deemed “normal”...

Peter Pan said...

The really good jobs in the CIA are held by sociopaths.

Peter Pan said...

Did she admit she was a sociopath?

I'm saying I haven't seen one in a promotional video.

Peter Pan said...

Your resume indicates you have a conscience.

Thank-you for your time. We'll call you when we reach a decision.

Matt Franko said...

Well maybe she will be promoted as she gains experience... like anybody else has opportunity there...

Peter Pan said...

They don't want to get burned by another Edward Snowden.

Can't trust those hetero-normative cisgender white males.