Thursday, May 6, 2021

Fed RRP vs. lumber price


Post suspension Reserve Asset flow displacing credit flow to lumber industry.... unit price increases... as commercials are normally short...


lastgreek said...

How about in plain, simple English, Matt.

Matt Franko said...

In a credit contraction the price is going to move opposite the direction that the previous finance was being used...

In a non speculative market like lumber the market is typically short ( commercials selling their production forward) so the finance was enabling a short position... so if credit is then removed the price will move up towards the longs...

Bonds right now have built up a big speculative short position so if credit is removed then the price will start to move towards the longs...

Matt Franko said...

Lumber may eventually go “liquidation only” in here..,

lastgreek said...

Thank you.

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