Monday, February 14, 2022

Europe’s Winter Of Discontent Isn’t Over Yet — David Blackmon

Funny that almost no commentators are noticing that Russian energy not going to Europe would be going to China instead, and eventually other non-Western countries. It would be economically beneficial for Russia to have a stable customer and strategically beneficial for China to reduce maritime energy imports that are under the control of the US Navy. In fact, this is already happening and it is only going to increase. 

Higher prices for carbon-based energy sources are also a boon for the environment, since this makes alternative energy sources more price-competitive.

Another factor is that Russia and China are able to have a national energy policy whereas the capitalist West cannot since distribution is left to the market, obviating imposition of a national energy policy from the top.

Europe’s Winter Of Discontent Isn’t Over Yet
David Blackmon


Peter Pan said...

This is Europe's opportunity to demonstrate that renewables can power an economic bloc consisting of 600 million people.

Good luck!

Tom Hickey said...

Sort of like the euro bringing together the disparate nations of the EZ.

Apparently they are not too good at thinking things through.