Saturday, February 12, 2022

Why Did Biden Call Putin. — Andrei Martyanov

The current situation is the initial stage of the kind of "military-technical" response Russia promised in case of an unsatisfactory response to Russia's demand for security guarantees. Expect Russia to ratchet up the heat until the US performs comes to an agreement on security guarantees. France and Germany already realize this and are ready to address Russian concerns. But Russia has stipulated that it will only negotiate such measures with the US, since US allies are vassals of the US. This is putting pressure on NATO as an alliance dominated by the US are operated in US interests.

Andrei Martyanov asks rhetorically why Biden initiated the call with Putin.
Simple: to make sure that in case false flag happens [from the Ukrainian side] (which is most likely) the US assets and "decision-making centers" are not annihilated. But that is not how it is going to work.

Some interesting comments, too. 

Reminiscence of the Future
Why Did Biden Call Putin.
Andrei Martyanov, former USSR naval officer and expert on Russian military and naval issues. Martyanov was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He took part in the events in the Caucasus which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he currently works as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He is a frequent blogger on the US Naval Institute Blog. He is author of Losing Military Supremacy, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs, and Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse — Clarity Press

Here is a report on the submarine incident.

Moon of Alabama
U.S. Sends Nuclear Submarine To Harass Russia Near Japan

See also

Col. Pat Lang comments, too.

War Drums Over Ukraine Throbbing Louder
Larry Johnson


Peter Pan said...

Many armchair war hawks are going to be disappointed when Russia secures Donbass and goes no further. And ONLY in response to a gratuitous false flag attack.

Peter Pan said...

Nevertheless, these limited actions will be portrayed as Operation Barbarossa II.

Tom Hickey said...

@ Peter Pan

This is what the US is planning on, as I see it. It would be an excuse to impose "sanctions from hell," which is the US response to Russian demands for security guarantees and a new security architecture.

The US will impose such sanctions regardless and now is just trying to work out something with the Europeans, who will bear the brunt of it, since China will have have Russia's back.

Russia will continue to turn up the heat with "military-technical" means, keeping NATO on its back foot. Meanwhile, the US will continue its plan to surround Russia and China.

This won't last forever, since the US is stalling for time to build up militarily whereas Russia is now ready to go. Russia is unlikely to permit this though.

2022 is shaping up to be a dangerous year, and the pandemic is even over yet.

Interestingly, the US plan is to impose regime change on Russia and China through an economic squeeze that result in uprisings to overthrow the government. Ironically, the Western countries' populations are much more restive than either Russia's or China's. This could result in some political realignments in those countries.

Tom Hickey said...

The West does not need cause for sanctions against Russia - Foreign Ministry

Peter Pan said...

Isolating Russia and China is not a viable plan. Confronting them militarily is not viable either, since they possess nuclear weapons.

Driving a wedge between Europe and Russia is possible, as long as Europe goes along with it. Wasting enormous resources on a military build-up is already par for course.

The pandemic is over. The sheeple will receive a temporary and superficial reprieve. But the precedent has been set, and the infrastructure is in place. Kiss your notions of freedom goodbye.

What the last two years have taught me, is that a majority of the population in the West has no conception of freedom or dignity.

Matt Franko said...

“ This is what the US is planning on”

With Tom , when Democrats pursue their anti Russia policy it’s “the US!”…

Meanwhile GOP in there and Trump does something then it’s “orange man bad!”…

Peter Pan said...

That wasn't Tom. Karens and Kevins talk that way...