Friday, October 11, 2024

LA Woman

Great breakdown of a great song (by The Doors) by these 2 Millennial black bros… never understood the song as a metaphor for the city of Los Angeles but yeah I get it now… makes it even better…


Footsoldier said...

Have you read David McGowan's, Nick Bryant's book about Laurel Canyon ?

Most of the band's that came out of Laurel Canyon were kids of career military and intelligence men.

Frank Zappa, John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas, Arthur Lee of Love, Jim Morrison of The Doors, Peter Tork of The Monkees, David Crosby (The Byrds) and Stephen Stills (Buffalo Springfield), who collaborated with Crosby, Stills & Nash, Beach boys, Neil Young and many others.

The book take to to some dark places.It is up to the reader if you believe it or not.

Footsoldier said...

Make of it what you will

When I was growing up I always thought the drug culture was a government project. That if the government wanted too they could stop the drugs from getting into the country.

Can't say why. I know for an absolute fact the drug dealers were working with the police. That they allowed one big guy to cover a region of Scotland and anybody else got jailed. It is how they "policed" the situation.

During Covid when everybody was told to stay in their homes and couldn't travel more than a few miles or be locked up The drugs kept flowing. It didn't stop drugs reaching every part of the country. Even though nobody was allowed to travel.

They have thousands of cameras on the roads today. If they really wanted to know who the drug dealers were and stop the drug trade. With nobody supposed to be On the roads at that time. It would have taken a dozen people in a month to figure it all out.

Footsoldier said...

Jim Morrison's dad was the US admiral responsible for the now infamous gulf of tonkin incident that got the US into the war.

All of these famous bands were kids of career military and intelligence men. Who all left Washington and all suddenly appeared in Laurel Canyon. Is what the book claims.

If you think that is a conspiracy believe me it goes way deeper down the rabbit hole than that.

Footsoldier said...

They even had the police on the roads spot checking how far people were travelling during covid. The main roads were empty. The drugs kept flowing.

hoonose said...

I didn't listen to the clip, but it took me the better part of 40 years to learn what Mr. Mojo Risin' means.

mike norman said...

Yo, Matt, how did you come across this?

mike norman said...

The darkest period of L.A. followed the Manson murders in August 1969.

mike norman said...

A deep chill came over and ended the Laurel Canyon period following the Manson murders.

Matt Franko said...

I watch these type of breakdowns from time to time Mike …. I search on “reaction” videos .., some are not very insightful but these 2 dudes are pretty thoughtful….

Matt Franko said...

Derek I think Scott Weilands (Stone Temple Pilots) parents were in defense industry too..

Matt Franko said...

Somebody told me one time that the Manson murders were due to Dennis Wilson screwing over Manson and Wilson previously lived in the house rented by Sharon Tate .., Manson didn’t know Wilson had moved out and new renters were in there (Tate) and they went over to get revenge and killed everybody there but it was the wrong people., then they killed the Lobianco couple to cover it up by trying to make it look like it was serial killers., not a drug/music deal gone bad between Wilson and Manson. Which would have led back to Manson,, idk..,

Footsoldier said...

It wasn't just the Manson murders. Over a 10 year period these was plenty of ritual murders that got classed as suicides. The places they happened in got burned down to remove the evidence.

Andy Summers and Stuart Copland from the band The police, parents were CIA station chiefs in the UK and US.

Some of the famous band members could be traced back all the way to the founding fathers Hamiltons and elite families when New York was called New Amsterdam. Held very powerful positions in the US government when Laurel Canyon was set up. Heads at the CIA and high up within the Pentagon.

What's the chances all of these kids hated their families that much that they all rebelled and ended up there at the same time.

What's the chances that it was these kids that got the deals and became famous.

If you get a chance read the book if you are interested in that period. It will blow your mind.

Footsoldier said...

Frank Zappa's dad was head of the Chemical warfare unit.

Frank Zappa was to the right of you Matt. When touring was smuggling weapons in South America to the junta's.

Footsoldier said...

Just look at the rap scene right now and the Puff Diddy scandal. Absolute bonkers what was going on. It is now not just rap but the whole black entertainment scene. Have you seen what went on ? Murders all over the place too. If you weren't murderd you were raped.

Peter Pan said...

People were allowed to travel to get groceries (and drugs). How many CCTV cameras are there in Europe? Is it really a total surveillance state?

Footsoldier said...

Look at the road and ferry network for Scotland.

They already know who the dealer is in region. Like as they say they didn't. They could have worked it out in a month with the 4 main roads closed.

Footsoldier said...

It is notoriously difficult to get around the highlands and islands. They could have worked that part out in a week.

Footsoldier said...

You weren't allowed to travel from region to region they had road blocks in the few roads that connect them. There only is about 12 regions. Most of the place is completely empty.

Footsoldier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter Pan said...

Perhaps drug addiction isn't as bad in rural Scotland as it is in the US heartland.

Matt Franko said...

From what I’ve seen right now US customs 100% facial recognition …

Peter Pan said...

Eradicating drug use may have a worse outcome than tolerating it.

Footsoldier said...

Dundee is the drug capital of Europe. Rural, urban, it doesn't matter they are everywhere.

You had all of these drug experiments going on in the military. It was only a matter of time before some of these things got sold as recreational drugs. Some people claim Laurel Canyon was a key part in that.

When I was younger and watched how it flowed into communities. The police totally ignored it, then I thought it was government controlled.

I've seen nothing since then to convince me otherwise. I think they even include it in the GDP figures now.

How truthful are the movies American made with Tom Cruise and American Gangster with Denzel Washington. Supposed to be true stories from that same period as Laurel Canyon. Or where the movies just made up.

It was a fascinating time in American history.

Footsoldier said...

It is claimed in the book that the anti war movement was there long before the hippy culture. It was easier to marginalise the anti war movement after the hippy's came along. That laurel Canyon again was a key part in that.

Footsoldier said...

The rumours coming out of the Diddy scandal is it was all about artistic licence. Who controlled what you could talk about, sing about and joke about.

As the black entertainment scene was moved from fu*k the police and the government to sex, drugs, and money and the American dream. Everybody had to go through Diddy.

Cancel culture via proxy.

Freak off parties got the entertainers black and white young, filmed them doing some crazy shit so they could be blackmailed further down the line.

Some say it was why Dave Chappelle walked away from the $50 billion deal with comedy central. Diddy was at the heart of the contract. Chappelle said he would end up like Kevin Hart be forced to wear a dress and be told what to say. Dave Chappelle was dropping hints in the TV Chappelle's Show sketches what has happening at the freak off parties.

Many avoided them like the plague but their careers nose dived. Their the ones spilling the beans right now. 50 cents, Bernie Mac

So the question remains if that is true. Why is Diddy in Jail.

Some people say Black Lives Matter and police brutality changed that and from within the black entertainment industry Diddy was set up. So he would be caught. They say the FBI raided to destroy the tapes so they never see the light of day. Diddy could bring the whole system down if he reveals who his handlers are.

Everybody involved are terrified the truth comes out. My guess is what really went on will never get out.

Dave Chappelle's next live tour should be interesting.

Footsoldier said...

50 million deal with comedy central.

Footsoldier said...

If I was a betting man, my bet would be after the jist of the scandel comes out. Eventually, The Michael Jackson story will be revisited. As his last albums went from being pop to being really quite political.

Peter Pan said...

The movie Crocodile Dundee portrayed recreational drug use among the well-to-do. I found that shocking at the time. Not the stuff of comedy.
The system drives people toward drug addiction out of despair. Eradicating drug use is therefore undesirable. There could be the death penalty for selling/possession and it wouldn't deter those who are in despair.

mike norman said...

The book Helter Skelter by Vincent Buglioso (prosecutor who tried Manson and his gang) lays it all out. Manson did know Wilson, and Wilson did renege or not show much interest in Manson's music. LaBianca murders were more predicated on Manson's attempt to foment a race war.