Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Amitai Etzioni — How Learning Economics Makes You Antisocial

It's all how it’s framed — "anti-social," where the criterion is reciprocity (fairness),  or "rational," where being rational signifies maximizing "utility."

How Learning Economics Makes You Antisocial
Amitai Etzioni | Professor of international relations, George Washington University and Director of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies

1 comment:

Kaivey said...

Another good article from Evonomics. If makes sense that students learning neoclassical economics would become more selfish. They are completely brain washed into believing that selfishness is good.

Economics departments at universities have always been dominated by the one percent. They made sure that universities taught economics that suited them. That's why neoclassical economists kept saying that greed is good. Because the one percent are so greedy that have always kept starting wars to get a bit more. So they made sure that 'greed is good' got taught at universities.

Eric Zuesse wrote a fabulous book about the massive freud that mainstream economics is.

Tom Hickey put an article about it here on this site.

Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics, by Eric Zeusse