Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Elias Isquith — Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state”

A corrupt network of wealthy elites has hijacked our government, ex-GOP staffer and best-selling author tells Salon.
Controlled by shadow government: Mike Lofgren reveals how top U.S. officials are at the mercy of the “deep state”
Elias Isquith


Malmo's Ghost said...

He lost me by utttering the standard Trump is a fascist and Obama is so much brighter than his predecessor drivel.

Matt Franko said...

Mal you just dont get it .... when O F's up it isnt him its "THE DEEP STATE!" that did it....

Tom Hickey said...

Wall Street deregulation pushed by Clinton advisers, documents reveal

Chiefly Robert Rubin, Clinton's Treasury sec.

Unknown said...

It's pretty much why nothing changes to benefit the interests of the great unwashed masses.

Matt Franko said...

Tom that article is from 2014. To disprove my point you have to at least reference an article from 1997 that refers to "The Deep State" in analyzing the Clinton admin deregulation...

Matt Franko said...

There was never any mention of "the deep state" when Clinton was in there in the 90s then when Bush 2 was in there it was "he's stupid!" "he's a war monger!" "he's corrupt!" "he's doing an illegal invasion!" yada yada THEN when Obama gets in there and does THE SAME SHIT all of a sudden it is "the deep state is doing it!"... #joke