Today the establishment “life sciences” tread as epigones the same path of reductionism and mechanism which physics trode in the 19th century, the path which physics debunked and abandoned long ago. Social Darwinism, biological determinism, genetic determinism, sociobiology, this ideological complex never had any scientific validity and was demonstrably false even prior to its full congealment. Francis Crick’s aptly named “Central Dogma” was already known to be false at the time he promulgated it. The same was true of the foundation doctrine of “one gene = one trait”, which together with the Central Dogma comprised the ideological basis of biological determinism.
This “science” was falsified in toto and in detail even prior to its full ideological elaboration in the 1970s. It has since continued as the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated. It’s not just that determinist theory is completely wrong – almost all of history’s scientific theories were disproven, and almost certainly most of those believed in today will be disproven. It’s that this “theory” has always been known to be wrong by its publicists, and yet they fraudulently go ahead anyway. Crick with his dogma of a one-way information flow from DNA to proteins when it was already known biological information loops back from proteins to DNA is just the most infamous of the countless examples of conscious lies on the part of these charlatan “scientists”..In truth biological determinism is just the transcription of Randroid hyper-individualism and the “genius” delusion to the realm of pseudo-science. This junk science gets such a preponderance of funding and fawning mass media publicity because it’s a potent branch of capitalist propaganda..Even in basic form, biological determinism is not scientific but religious [ideological].…Volatility
The Elemental Falsity of Genetic Determinism
I haven't read the whole article yet, only the extract above, but can't help but make a comment right now. I knew this years ago. I once suffered a severe depression, and drugs weren't helping. Now if you have a depression for more than two years psychiatrists trend to see that as a sign that your depression might be incurable. Scary!
Psychiatrists talk about genes, about how it runs in families, and that depression is caused by faulty biology. But this was all really just marketing by drug companies.
Then the short serotonin gene was found and they were triumphant in the newspapers and media, except that 80% of us carry the 'faulty' gene, and when new studies came out which disproved the previous research psychiatry went silent.
Anyway, I'm putting this together on my tiny cell/ mobile phone, which is hard, so I shall finish it off on my tablet which is upstairs. See you soon.
Anyway, I got terrified and my depression became much worse. I also started going bipolar but I knew when it was happening and could control it. I wouldn't tell the psychiatrists about it because I didn't want anymore more drugs. I had seen the chronic manic depressives along with the schizophrenics at the centre where I used to see the psychiatrist and thought that I might be one terrified me.
For years I could not pick up newspaper without reading about more genes being found for this and that: anxiety, alcoholism, bipolar illness, obsessive compulsive disorder, fingernail biting, hair pulling, etc. It was beginning to look more and more like I was stuck with depression. Especially when some psychiatrists started calling the depression gene the 'bad luck' gene.
So I started doing my own research, reading books by renegade psychiatrists who said the gene theories were wrong and I started to feel more hopeful. Then I started reading about how antidepressants might make depression worse in the long run. I eventually came off my antidepressant and my manic episodes then completely stopped. Phew, what a relief. I'm not mad!
Back in the 1960's G A Fava who was a professor of psychiatry who used psychotherapy to help his patients through a depressive episode. Once he had helped them through he hardly ever saw them again. But when a antidepressants came out he started using them and they gave fairly good and effective results quickly, except lots of his patients kept coming back for more therapy. He also started getting a lot of patients with bipolar illness, where before this had been a very rare condition. So he wrote to the American Psychiatric Association (AMA) telling them about his observations and concerns. He asked, could antidepressants be making depression more chronic in the long run, as well as triggering manic episodes? But the AMA told him to get lost, they're not interested.
Very recently it was discovered that he was right. The public have been subject to one of the biggest con tricks ever, and to this day most people with depression believe their illness has a strong genetic basis. Pharmaceutical companies have made a fortune out of drugs that probably make the illness worse, and loads of people just stay on the medicines, partly because they believe they have a genetic illness, except the drugs have a habit of petering out after a while and stop working (Prozac poop out) and so the dose needs to be constantly increased, and then eventually polypharmacy might be tried when nothing else works. All good news for drug companies.
Nowadays CBT is used a lot, and in Britain the NHS will use for more chronic conditions a short term, fast acting type of psychoanalysis which can last up to a year and is very effective. But development and refinement of these psychological therapies were held back for years because antidepressants were said to be more effective.
But it was only drug companies that had to prove that their drugs worked, no one else, and the government stopped doing research on their safety or efficacy. The drug companies only had to produce three trials which showed that their the drugs were more effective than a placebo, so trail 2 might show good results, then trial 79, and then trail 99. So, out of 100 trails antidepressants may have been shown to be better than a placebo only 3 times. This is just one way in which drug trail results can be falsified. There are many others.
This has got very long, so more to come later. Hope you don't mind, this a big subject for me. I've got some stuff on neuroplasticity and Epigenetics to write - our genes are programmable, and this has massive implications for how we deal with the underclass. I think I will click on the link now and read that article first. Many thanks.
Please continue...
Okay, I will tomorrow.
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