Further disgusting stigmatization of the unemployed happening in the U.K. as the government tries to brand those who are out of work as having a mental health disorder. This will undoubtedly lead to further difficulties in finding a job.
“Psychology now plays a central and formative role in stigmatising the existence and behaviour of various categories of poor citizens and in legitimating the measures taken to transform and activate them,” the authors note. Read more.
Surely it's not their destructive austerity and systematic looting of an entire class of citizens. It's just a lot easier to call those who they have robbed as mentally ill losers. Now they can condemn them to institutions or prison with clear consciences.
By the way, this would be a great meme for Fox News. I am surprised they haven't picked up on it yet.
The solution to unemployment is elimination of human beings, through indirect or direct State violence. This has always been the preferred 'conservative' solution.
Disgusting piece of filth not worth the air they breath. This shit has been going on since two centuries ago, they always keep coming back and cannot let it go.
The peasants once lived a reasonable life off the land. They only worked a couple of days a week. Then the over class threw them off their land. The king owned nearly all the land (so be said) so the over lords told him to enforce all the old poaching laws. Hungry, the peasants were driven into the cities to find work in the factories of the elite.
Industrial capitalism was then born and the only way the peasants could survive was by working for richer people, and the 24/7 treadmill has been going ever since. Some people can't cope with it, and fall behind. We didn't evolve to live like this.
We didn't evolve the mindset to live in any other way. Scarcity is what we understand best.
Quote: "The peasants once lived a reasonable life off the land."
You mean like those horrible terrorist poaching white supremist Ranchers in Oregon?
Thank God we have brave Social Justice Warriors on twitter, reddit, and facebook to tell us how living off the King's land err Federal land is white terrorism and those evil white people need to be droned for setting up camping a unlocked Federal Building and its Parking lot.
It's 2016 and "Living of the Land' is code word white terrorism. You have stay on the plantation or else.
In life there is scarcity, we only have to watch a documentary on the great cats to see that their lives are not always easy, but that doesn't stop them from sleeping most of the day after they have had their kill, which is to conserve energy. Humans are meat eaters too, so we prefer to have a lot of spare time as well.
In the TEDx video below, Jon Jandai explains why his life is so easy, how he only needs to work in his garden for a few minutes a day to be able to feed his family of six. The rest of his time he spends socialising and working on his hobbies, which is building houses. He has so many of them now he doesn't know which one to sleep in at night. He describes how he once went into the city and went to university, how he slept in a room with loads of other people, ate horrible food, worked 24/7, all the hours god sends, and was still poor. So eventually he went back to his urban village to live a life of leisure. He's not rich, but are we? He seems a lot happier and content than most of us.
Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? | Jon Jandai | TEDxDoiSuthep
Jon Jandai is not involved in commodity production, excepting the surplus food that he sells to the local market. He is engaged in subsistence farming, which feeds a significant percentage of the world's population.
Migrant workers are involved in commodity production, as is most of humanity, directly or indirectly. Depending on the value of your labour, which is also a commodity, your life will be difficult or easy.
Subsistence farming is probably easier in a warm country such as Thailand. Depending on the climate and soil conditions, the variety and abundance of what can be grown will determine whether your life is difficult or easy.
Beyond material conditions, your state of mind will determine the path your life will take and it's outcome. We all know of people who live in purgatories of their own making.
Have you seen the Star Trek episode "This Side of Paradise"? It explores themes related to Jon Jandai's talk. When I saw this story I believed that it would not be in my best interest to break free of the spores influence, had I been in that situation. And I still feel that way. I know that there are people (the industrious types) who strongly believe otherwise, because... stagnation.
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