Saturday, January 2, 2016

Yves Smith — Job Guarantee Versus Basic Income Guarantee

Yves here. I’ve been remiss in not putting this video from November on a discussion of the merits of proposals for a job guarantee versus an income guarantee. The talk was hosted by Dissent Magazine, Jacobin, and the New Economy Coalition, and is explicitly anticapitalist, so you may need to filter out the occasional ideological leap.
The participants were Alyssa Battisoni from Jacobin, activist Jesse Myerson, Darrick Hamilton of the New School, and Pavlina Tcherneva of University of Missouri, Kansas City.…. [Pavlina is now assistant professor of Economics at Bard College.]

1 comment:

Peter Pan said...

Hello Dr. Purva Pius aka Mrs. Juliet Quin. This is constable Bob of the RCMP. Your cheque is in the mail.