Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Moon of Alabama — Are Green Berets Leading The YPG In Taking The Azaz Pocket?

Is the US military fighting the CIA?

Moon of Alabama
Are Green Berets Leading The YPG In Taking The Azaz Pocket?


Matt Franko said...

Should be "Moonbat over Alabama".... this is absurd, the Obama people are no doubt incompetent but NOBODY can be this incompetent...

Tom Hickey said...

I would not so be so sure. It is well known that the Kurds (YPG) are backed by the US and Turkey considers YPG terrorists allied with the PKK in Turkey. It is reasonable to assume that they are not only receiving arms from the US but also advisers.

It's also well recognized that the CIA is supplying the "moderate oppostion" in Syria with weapons and that many of these weapons are ending up in the hands of terrorists, chiefly those affiliated with AQ, but some of the weapons are getting to ISIS, too.

Journalist Seymour Hersh's new report on contradictions between President Obama and the US military regarding rebels in Syria was a bombshell. Hersh spoke with RT about the US military's view of Syria's Bashar Assad and Obama's relationship with Turkey.
Writing for the London Review of Books, Hersh reported that, in a classified document from Summer 2013, the highest echelons of the US military establishment outlined their opposition to the Obama administration’s strategy of arming so-called "moderate" rebels to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad. From 2013 to September 2015, in an effort to truly counter extremists in Syria, US military leaders fed US intelligence to Russia, Germany, and Israel, which then sent it to Assad, he reported.

The US military is opposed to the administration arming the so-called moderate opposition to take down Assad as the chief priority, when the military sees the priority as ISIS, as does Russia.

So it is hardly a stretch that the CIA and US military are on opposite sides at least indirectly.

Tom Hickey said...

Writing for the London Review of Books, Hersh reported that, in a classified document from Summer 2013, the highest echelons of the US military establishment outlined their opposition to the Obama administration’s strategy of arming so-called "moderate" rebels to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Those weapons come through the CIA.

Dan Lynch said...

One of the MofA commenters suggested that Iranian special forces could be helping the Kurds, rather than Americans. That's easier to believe than the Green Beret theory.

But as so many things about the Middle East, we really don't know. Reporting is sketchy and biased, and nothing in the Middle East is as it appears on the surface.

It's an interesting theory, though. Which branch of government is Obama not in charge of? Or is he not in charge of either the CIA or the Pentagon?

Tom Hickey said...

Which branch of government is Obama not in charge of? Or is he not in charge of either the CIA or the Pentagon?

That is real question. The answer is that it depends on how much political capital the president has and how he wants to deploy it. Some fights are not worth picking.

Ignacio said...

Obama too busy golfing to control anything, institutional failure is when the different branches of government start to fight each other. Utter chaos because incompetent people at the top and the self-serving bureaucracy has a life of its own and is uncontrollable.

This is how previous empires collapsed.